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Position:Home>Philosophy> I strongly beleive the world will end in my lifetime?

Question: I strongly beleive the world will end in my lifetime!?
I'm 18 and for a few years now ive just had the strongest intuition that something will end humanity before i die from old age!.
It doesnt make me worry or anything, ive actually grown quite fond of the idea, something inside me very much wants to be here to see the end of humanity!. idk if that makes me a bad person or not!.
What are your thoughts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are agnostic!. You understand that there may be a "higher power" but you don't sit around bashing your head into a wall over the debate on what it's name is!.
You sound really empathetic and sensitive!. Lots of people have the same ominous feelings you do!. The US has convinced everyone that to protect ourselves we must give up our only protection from them (our guns)!. They steal money from people that drive the world and reallocate it to the lowest common denominators in society!. Everyone is busy asking why, why are kids so ******, while daily on these forums I see people talking about how it's okay to hit your kids for punishment but no one seems to be able to talk to them or teach them how to live!. There are a million reasons why you would feel it's all coming crashing down!.

It doesn't matter how it ends, or when!. What matters is you living your life for your own happiness!. Don't compromise it, don't be afraid of it, go get it!. Then when it all comes down you will know that you praised your god in the best way possible!. You made yourself happy and made the most of the gift we were given!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As Derail suggested, there is a sort of cosmic knowledge that permeates some people's consciencness!. If you feel it strongly, you may one to act to prevent, or mitigate, the negative effects of whatever your fear is!. Use your fear in a positive way!. If it is time, it is time, and nothing we can do can stop it!.
How we live our lives right now, may make a difference in how we feel about an end time!.
Yes, there is an "end time" for all of us, without even considering the implications of biblical Armageddon, or global warming consequences!.
All we can do is what we feel is right; for ourselves, potential children, grandchildren, and our planet!.
I certainly do not think that your feelings make you a "bad" person!. I think your feelings may lead you to great leadership!. You may have an insight that many choose to ignore!. Please do what you can to make our end days as peacefull as possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're not the only one!. For some reason, this feeling is deeply engrained in young people!. I don't know why!. I felt the same when I was your age!. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we realize we are only individuals, and have no control over something as large as the world!.

On a larger scale, maybe all humans are hard wired with this fear, but especially in younger folks!. Because all religions are based on a time when the world ends - is destroyed, what ever!. This is true throughout all time and history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that you like this idea because after you die, the world will continue - nothing will change and eventually you will be forgotten!. However, if the world was to end during or your life time, this insures you a sense of security because everyone else will die as well, not you alone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont believe it has much to do with the content of your character as being classified as good or bad, because who is to decide that really!? its good that you arent afraid of it, as i had been for so long!. oh wait, i see why you could think it made you a bad person!. well do you anticipate seeing people falling to their own death or just dying in general!? just dont become a mass murderer and youll be fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

so you're agnostic!?

i don't have the intuition that the world is going to end, not my thing!. But it's not wrong to be curious or fond of seeing the end!. Especially when it's for the point of seeing things put to rest and figuring out who or what the higher power isWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think that you wanna be a part of something great!. i suggest you get a hobby, go to school, change your career or do something else that makes you feel important or a part of something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you feel what you feel, I personally don't have the feeling that the world is going to end in my lifetime!. because no one can know!. it's all in the 'higher powers' hands!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The world will end - for you - on the day you die!. Are you sure this isn't some type of selfish fantasy that when you cease to exist so will everyone else!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You wouldn't be the first to honestly believe that!.!.!.!. but they end up as jokes later!.!.!.!. I mean, go ahead and drink the poison kool-aid if you want to!.!.!.!. but people are just gonna shake their heads!.!.!.


When you die it will end!.

You got tipped off when that first 15 billion years went blank in your psychic yearbook, eh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Intuition does not mean proof!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm don't think that it makes you a bad person but it does make you sound like a christian!.

Love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com

We will try and stop the world for you to get offWww@QuestionHome@Com