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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do appearances matter to you? Do you think that they matter more then most will

Question: Do appearances matter to you!? Do you think that they matter more then most will admit!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Be wary of the lie of 'you can't judge a book by its cover'!.

With a bit of thought, it's pretty clear that you not only CAN, but you MUST!. If you wish to choose a book to read from among many that you haven't, it would be ridiculous to assert that to make that choice you must first read every book in the group completely, attend discussion groups, peruse criticisms of each of the books, and only then would you be able to make a judgement about which book you should read!.

The correct version should be 'the more you know about a book the more likely you are to make an accurate judgement about it'!.

It would be nice if we all knew everything about everything!. But we don't!. So we are required to make judgements based on incomplete information!. Many of them will be wrong!. This does not mean it is wrong to make such a judgement!.!.!. there is, in fact, no other choice!.

The problem with prejudice and racism is that in many cases these are NOT rational judgements and are made by people who are no longer accepting either new information or the possibility of their own error!. Because people have used irrational judgements so frequently upon each other, they become hypersensitive to the idea, particularly when it might be used against them!. They lie to themselves and others and say appearances don't matter at all!.

And this is why you see resistance to even scientific assertions of that nature!. A person with a gun in his belt might not be looking to kill someone else!.!.!. but then again he might!. Those who KNOW you mean no harm will cut you slack, but I wouldn't blame anyone else for being wary!.

So make your pre-judgements!. We all do!. Just don't stop there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Appearances do matter, but the personality is what counts!. What I mean is that you would instinctively be attracted to a person you think would be friendly and not the guy that would throw you off a cliff!. But if the person has a horrible attitude then the relationship wouldn't last too long as opposed to a person with a great attitude, even if they do look gruesome or moderately average!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Appearance does matter in that it communicates much more than whether the person is attractive!. Facial expressions, body language, chosen attire, hair cut, makeup, and posture all give you dozens of clues about the person before they open their mouth!. It is how you know to be careful or feel welcomed!. There is the expression that you can't judge a book by its cover but the wise person doesn't discard the information on the cover either!. It is how we know the difference between a recipe book or a novel about fishing!. It is really important to know the difference!.
Part of what makes someone attractive is the attitude behind the looks!. It they are confident and kind, with a sense of humour you can see it in the eyes!. That can be attractive!. You can also see anger, self doubt, and agression coiled up behind the eyes as well!. That tells you to stay away!. Others are deers caught in headlights!. That sort of fear or insecurity does not usually attract a mate, so
considering appearance is not just a shallow thing to do but something you ignore, sometimes at your own risk!.
(Just thought I'd pop another viewpoint in here!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, this is a complex question!. There are several points that you have to consider!. First of all, if you do not take a bath and or brush your teeth and or wash your hair, besides looking unsanitary, you will smell, and even my blind friends will smell you and dislike you and consider you not a nice person!. If you have any self respect, you will take a shower or hot bath and be clean and smell clean and nice and wash your clothes and basic good clean habits will result in a good appearance!. We all look different as each person has their own personality and style!.byeWww@QuestionHome@Com

appearances matter in that we all need something to judge another on!. now that may be negative or positive judgement, and the saving grace of being human is that we can change that original judgement when we get to know someone, but we all need somewhere to start!.

based on that appearance is important to the majority of ppl for this reason, to convey something about ourselves we feel is important enough to be the first thing someone sees about us!. but, to some ppl, appearance isn't importannt and i would argue these ppl are a) in the minority and b) not abiding by social rules (either by choice or by indifference or ignorance) because evolutionarily speaking you need to be able to display which 'tribe' you come from so they don't bash you with a club cos they think you're from the tribe over the hill who they don't like!.
teens dress with a 'tribal' image in mind!. think goths, emos, punk, mod etc etc!. social display!.
aaaaaaaaand lastly, we have the attracting a mate thing!. guys are more likely to get a mate if they are smarter, cleaner, look better off, display some form of power, and all those other little things that show a potential partner that they are able to provide for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

okay, here's the thing:
when you see an attractive girl/guy, you THINK that their personality and heart is just as pure and beautiful!.
wherefore it's NOT!.
people tend to be MORE attracted to attractive people, rather then people without the looks to prove themselves worthy!.
this whole thing goes back to judging a book by its cover!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, more then people will admit!. When meeting someone for the first time you, if that person is pretty or nice looking you are at ease!. Now if the person is ugly or deformed you are taken aback, you feel as if you don't know if you can trust them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes one admits it or not, appearances do matter the most in attracting people at the first glance, but if the soul behind them is not according to what you percieved, there is the possobility that you may leave it, even then , mere appearance can ruin all your lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Depends!. In a fashion show - Yes!. In a doctor- No!.

If the question is in the context of choosing a life partner, it is the meeting point of love and lust makes the decision!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They don't matter the most to me!. I look for a good personality,etc!. Unfortunately most people do care more about appearances than they admit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think nearly everyone is initially attracted because of someone's appearance - but the attraction doesn't last if there's nothing to back it up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

appearances matter to me!. I think they matter to almost everybody, although many people say otherwise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Attraction grows with emotions and personality!. So yes, I think you have to have some sort of attraction first!. Or else be friends first and then the attraction may or may not grow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com