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Position:Home>Philosophy> If the sky were made of earth and the earth were made of sky, would we humans be

Question: If the sky were made of earth and the earth were made of sky, would we humans be able to fly!?
Strange question, I know, but it got me thinking!. I was just wondering what anyone else thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The logistical translocation of both places at first glance is stupid!. However, upon further pondering, it seems that the question you are asking is this!. What if the earth formed a barrier around a void and that void was now the sky!. Meaning that the upside of the planet would be intrinsic!. Without changing any of the laws and just changing dimensional logic you would either fall toward the center of the sky and remain immobile or you would fall up toward earth until you moved past the central vertex to which gravity from all directions of the sphere ended at which point you would be pulled into every direction at once and remain stationary until acted upon from another point of force outside the vertex!. No!. you wouldn't be able to fly!. Flying is using biology or tools to defy the laws of gravity or use the laws of gravity to allow you to move contrary to the pull of a gravitational point of force!. Your fall may only be slower than normal if the gravitational forces extend in all directions past the point of vertex!.

Does that help or were you just being silly!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

We'll all be drawn towards the uncovered molten core of the earth by gravity's pull, and all life will come to a fiery end!. If so, it wouldn't matter at all what the sky was made of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If the sky were made of Earth,
then it would basically become the ground!.
And the gravity would pull us toward the ground,
and it would be like it is right now!.
So no!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

so confusing but id say yesWww@QuestionHome@Com

well wed have to be able to do something to reach the food!.!.!.!?

don't you thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

the sky would fall on our heads except we'd be falling so it wouldn't catch us!. Like in Australia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no because if u go under ground for a long time ur statement will become true i mean if ur in south pole and u will end up in north poleWww@QuestionHome@Com