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Position:Home>Philosophy> To motivate and to inspire, or to be motivated and to be inspired?

Question: To motivate and to inspire, or to be motivated and to be inspired!?
You are the change!.
Life is change, and so are all the things of life!.
The world is change, and change is all that all things need to last in time, where time is constant, standing still!.

To change forever is to last forever!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The teacher pupil, parent child, God creation relationship should be one of mutual adoration, inspiration and motivation!.

The pleasure gained in freeing confused minds, opening doors closed tight by fear, and enlightening the darkness of souls trapped in angst or ignorance is a wonderful skill and gift!.

The teacher parents gains then, as much joy in the success of their prodigies, as the pupil does in learning and growing!.

Life then is perfect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To be able to motivate and inspire (others) by default you would have to already be motivated and inspired yourself wouldn't you!? You couldn't motivate and inspire others if you were not motivated and inspired yourself!. Its a bit like being the leader instead of a follower!.!.!.!. I think by motivating and inspiring others you also "feed" your own motivation and become more inspired!. You have to be passionate to motivate and inspire!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everybody wants to move towards their desires!. If one desire fulfilled create the next one and move towards it!.

When motivated the pace of the move is propelled!.
When inspired it strengthens the desire

To motivate is to increase the pace of the others
To inspire is to strengthen the desire of others!.

So it depends purely on the desire to fulfill!.
If the desire is solely depends on One to be motivated and inspired is the choice!.
If the desire is to make a revolution among other to motivate and to inspire is the choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

depends on what the instigating action or thought is i'd a thought!. cos they're not the same!. one is reactive and the other proactive!. both in different circumstances!.

incidentally is time constant, standing still!? i'd argue not!. i'd argue that time passing is what creates the change, the only thing that all things need is the desire to be changed, otherwise you're taking the choice of not changing!. which is really swimming against the current when you think about it!. nothing remains the same, however much you want it to!. so change is almost the default setting, while remaining the same is the option!. so all we gotta do is hang on in there basically!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To change is to last forever!.!. But there much greater things than change is certainty!.
then my ultimate goal must be certain to last eternally!.!.
earth bound changes are beauty and real but the promise of eternity is guarantee and CERTAIN!.
just like death it is certain!.
change to conforme is everybody approval!.!.!.
transform into is the change GOD desire!.!.

If a person is unhappy then life is the same day in day out!. If your happy then you look at the different parts of life and see constant change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Absolutlely !. Life is change from the cradle of birth to death, and after eath life we go on to everlasting life!.forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a prostitute once said to my friend,

"To be alive is to be aware, and to be aware is to be alive"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very good question!.!.!.!.as to the last part!.!.!.if you mean "last forever" but not with conciousness I agree with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To motivate and inspire!.!.!. I think you kind of have to be motivated and inspired to do so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a mutual obligation which builds upon itself to eventually reach great heights!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the second 1Www@QuestionHome@Com

