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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it money is very important for happy life???

Question: Is it money is very important for happy life!?!?!?
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I think in a negative, depressing, environment- money can probably bring you some happiness in life by improving it- but in a good, happy, loving environment- money can do the opposite and cause unhappiness in your life!. Money is like sugar- it can sweeten up something and give you a little kick- but then you crave it and too much will give you holes in your teeth- or give you holes in your pockets! Money, like everything else, should be used in moderation!. Life is about balance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Money is currency!. Currency is energy!. It is how you respond to the abundance or lack of abundance of this energy in your life that determines whether or not it makes you happy!.

Certainly in a consumerist culture where stuff, or status is valued, then money or the lack of it can be cause for discomfort!.

Happiness has more to do with who you are, regardless of your financial status!. But!.!.!. money does happen to purchase a lot of freedom here in the west!. Sad, but true!.

However, I am an optimist!. I think that may be changing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope, And I know because I've raised three daughter's on a limited budget since I'm disabled!. What is really important for a happy life is knowing that you're loved, Having someone to believe in you and to support you!. Believing in your self and liking yourself!. Two of my daughter's are grown now and on their own!. Even though the oldest is developmentally delayed she has her own apartment and has friends and a job!. My middle daughter graduated high school and college with out having unwanted children and is now on her own!. She's had her own apartment for the last 7 years and she's got a job that pays well!. My youngest daughter is in high school and is on the honor list for the last two years, she volunteers and she's working with younger kids with mental health issues this summer since she wants to be a psychologist!. I don't' know if they would have taken education as seriously or studied as hard if they hadn't realized that it was their way out of the "hood"!. So not having money has actually helped my kids do more for themselves and to help them focus on getting a good education!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think you need to have money to be happy, but it certainly helps!. If you live in a nice house with a nice view of the water, you will probably feel better than if you live in a basement, without any windows or anything!. So money won't necessarily make you happy, but it may improve the quality of your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe so!. In fact, I tend to lean toward the transcendentalist beliefs !.!.!. basically, simplicity is happiness!. Being content with what you have now and living deliberately!.

The more we own, the more we owe!. The more we owe, the more we must work!. And for most people, working isn't exactly the zest of life!.

I personally would be happy living in a van down by the river if I had more free time to explore my world and do things that I enjoy, and reflect on the finer things in life -- which to me, doesn't include money!. =o)

If money makes you happy, then you'll never be truly happy, because you can always have more money!. And if you don't have money (which happens a lot, especially with gas prices and our craptastic economy!), you aren't happy!. I can be happy regardless!. =o)

The world according to Sam!. =o)Www@QuestionHome@Com

the idea in today's society is that once you acquire 'enough money' or 'get rich' is that you no longer have an obligations to society, but can kick it back and do what you want with your cash!.!.!.in other words, kick it back, relax and take it easy and live for yourself and your family because a lot of your problems are gone once you are financially 'set!.' Who cares if half of Africa, for example dies of HIV and AIDS or the ghettos continue to slide downhill or that people in Asia make $30 a month and barely have a tin roof over their heads!.!.!.who cares about God for that matter!.!.!.

I doubt God is impressed by this view, and hell is busy place unfortunately!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

NO doubt money gives a happy life!. Nowadays, money is what we seek for to face the financial constraints!. Money gives us comfort and pleasure!. With all the money we have we could help by feeding more starving people!. As long as you have a good heart for the needy, I don't see how very important money is!. It is the very purpose and good deeds you will make in life by the money you have it!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Money is important, but its not everything
Family, Culture, Friends are all more important :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I Think Not, There Are Other Things, Now, that Being Said, a Minimum Amount is Needed Just to Get By, but a Huge Amount is Just "Window Dressing"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At least to provide the basics: food, clothing, shelter, education etc!.!.!. the other luxuries really depend on the people and their satisfaction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It helps eliminate a lot of stress in our lives, but money should never be someone's sole focus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can fin millions of poor happy ppl and sad rich guys!.

it is the concept not the quality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!.!.!.!.its not most important but it is WAAAY easier to be happy without financial problems!. WAAAAAY easierWww@QuestionHome@Com

in general: no!.
but apparently many people (including me) rely on money for items and getting things your heart desires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, If you think about it money causes problems in most peoples lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Money don't bring happiness but they maintain it!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's about 90% of itWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sorry to say this, but that is very true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com