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Position:Home>Philosophy> I'm getting bored with the Internet. What are some ways I can spice up my vi

Question: I'm getting bored with the Internet!. What are some ways I can spice up my virtual life!?
What is there, that is really fun to do online, that I havn't done yet, or missed out on!? Just throw out ideas, what are some very interesting web sites!? What are some fun games to play online!? Sites that have free movies to watch!? ect!. Philosophy chat rooms!?

Just tell me the cool stuff you do online, and any recommendations you have for me please

10 points to whoever spices my internet life up the most!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know how you feel about gaming but "Eve" is a very exciting space type online game!. It involves piloting a space vessel thought the 'Eve' galaxy!. You can role play any character from a space pirate to a Admiral with your own space fleet!. There are so many levels to this game that the best way to discover them for yourself is to go there http://www!.eve-online!.com/ - also there is a demo available (or use to be) so you can try it for free!.

Another way to spice up your virtual life is to visit http://rankings!.big-boards!.com/!?p=all!. There you will find a list of popular forums!.

also visit http://www!.watch-movies!.net/ , You will find movies there!.

http://www!.gutenberg!.org has over 100000 books online, if you enjoy reading!.

http://www!.totallyfreestuff!.com/ - if you like discovering free stuff, try this one out!.

And if none of those work for you try this one'

There are others but I don't think I should post them :)


I don't spend lots on this web site, so don't assume I'm a hypocrite, BUT

Get a life and stop wasting time here!.

Suggestions: new instrument, higher education, sports, painting, singing, watching operas, going to plays, etc

Do you want to die longing to know how it could have felt to have a favourite opera!? To talk about it!? How it could've felt to have an intellectual discussion with somebody capable!? How it could've felt to have a proper schedule!?

This was quite a motivation!. Thanks!

I am leaving!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Online chat rooms/forums etc!. Online video games etc!. The second life thing or whatever, stuff like that!. Internet games, like on freeonlinegames!.com etc!. Or you could just go Google whatever you want and browse around a bits!. weebls-stuff!.com is a dorky weird site with lots of interesting toons etc!. on it, and so is homestarrunner!.com!.
Hm, what else, what else!.!.!. go to Wikipedia!.org to look up information on random things, Google 'random facts' for some things you could live your life without learning!.
And that's what I can think of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Forget internet and go to the movies and after to dance, remember is Friday!.
Go to buy a good book for read when you be bored or ask to Amazon for they send it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You need to try the free online game, Second Life!. You get to create a human-like avatar & walk around these crazy worlds talking to other real people!. It's actually a lot of fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why did you post this in the "Philosophy" section!?!?

Oh I know, you can post non-relevant questions in other forums, and be a dummie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Use Google Earth and Google Maps Streetview and MS Live Maps Birdseye View to take virtual trips!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow!.!.!. all these 2nd life advertisements!.!.!.
maybe I'll go get me one of them as well :)
hahahahaha hahaha!.!.!.
I crack me up!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

movie6!.net you can watch movies there
and also try moviesister!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Go get a life! A SecondLife that is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How about get a real life!? And get off the net!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com