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Position:Home>Philosophy> What we do if we can't we can't understand what's right or wrong?

Question: What we do if we can't we can't understand what's right or wrong!?
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hai !.!.
see if u dont understand according to me just question yourself that what u r doing !.!.is answerable and acceptable to people around u !.!.if u r able to answer them !.!.!. then u r right !.!. or simple way close your eyes analyse yourself if u heart gives u the permission to go ahead then go for it!.!.
Best of lukWww@QuestionHome@Com

there is no right or wrong!. only what the people see as right or wrong!. think- what makes what Adolf Hitler did right or wrong!? our society- because they won the war, what the winning side of society sees as good and bad, is what is good or bad!. if Hitler had won the war and his followers had taken over they world and pressed their beliefs on every aspect of life, what Hitler had done would have been the right thing!.
(just to make this perfectly clear, i believe what Hitler did was wrong, immoral and disgusting)
the society that runs our world is well fed, clothed and looked after!. because of this, poverty in third world countries is wrong!. if the entire world were impoverished, there would be nothing worrying about it!.
if you as a person dictated the entire globe (as in no body knows anything unless to tell it to them) everything that you think is right would be right and vice versa!. who controls the world, decides what is right or wrong- therefore, as our society currently controls the world- you, the average person decide what is right or wrong!. if you make people believe your point of view (which is not that hard with media support) you could make it wrong to have faith (think about how America is portraying Muslims) or make it right to swear (seriously, is there anything that the "f" word does not mean!? also, its use is beginning not to be frowned upon as society changes generations)
think about it!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You may know that evreybody possesses consiousness which keeps telling you now&then inwardly to guide you to take your
decison/path!.!.Take this innerguidance and obey it to findout
wrong/right things!.Mostly religious & Godfearing,prayer habit persons are getting guidances automatically!.Meditation also
helps person a lot in this respect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no right or wrong, only what is excpeted by society, and what is excpeted by ones religion (if you believe in it)

I think people only follow what is right and wrong, because of the consequenses!.

there is a belief by some that it is only wrong if you get caught!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it comes to that then you can always use the wonderfull method of "how would you feel if this happened to you or you were in their shoes"
Go with what your conscience says: if you have one!?
Get other peoples advice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

if u donot understand what is right or what is wrong, then there is nothing you can do about it,, but face the consequences of your actions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

some times i feel that i can not determine is it right or wrong but at the end i leave it to my reason and do what i see that is right or to ask million peopleWww@QuestionHome@Com

All human belief is by faith!.!.!.including science!.

Don't believe it!? Science is based on the tautology 1=1, yet science cannot prove the existence of absolute 1!.

Shucks!.!.!.I've unmasked atheism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They you must be a psychopath!.!.!.!.!. and would need to be kept in a secure psychiatric unit because you'd be a danger to society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We will have a very short life span!.

People will kill one another for no reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whatever we please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we either ask people who might know the answer or we just believe in what we think might be right!. normally our faith helps us throughWww@QuestionHome@Com

leave it for godWww@QuestionHome@Com