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Position:Home>Philosophy> How will i do to make my college life good?

Question: How will i do to make my college life good!?
i mean give me tips!.!.how should i face different people i don't know there!? i really don't have idea so much about being in college!.!.what if there's bad people that will trip me!? what move shall i do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't worry about it!. Remeber a few things about college, everyone is new and nobody knows anybody!. Be nice to people, don't be afraid to talk to strangers and try new things, and don't feel like you have to do anything you don't want to!. Even in small colleges, there are a lot of people, so it's not too hard to find your niche!. Most people have their orientation week friends, and most of them will not be the people you end up hanging out with by the time you graduate, but that's how you meet the people you end up actually being friends with!. also, on average, people are 4 years older than they were in high school!. The ones who were the confident seniors in high school are now freshman taking the lead of people in their young 20's, so people don't get picked on too much unless they hang out with people who don't like them!. Don't do that, there'll be plenty of people who like you and some who don't, no matter what kind of person you are!.

Have fun, do your homework, and don't drink too much!. College is great!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In college, especially when we are young, the people seem more like the class than the classroom!. But don't be fooled!. The piece of paper you take when you leave is what it is all about!. It is not that hard to get good grades if you ask your teachers what is required and listen carefully and do it!. If you can position yourself to be ahead in the curiculum, test out of classes, ask for as much guidance as your school provides, maybe find a work-study or internship in your later years of school, you will come out on top!.

I remember the people, the conversations and the parties as the best time of my life!. But I didn't finish and now I am 50 and making 12 dollars an hour, and all that fun and coolness seems like a terrible mistake!.

Get an education, get a degree and go lightly on the extra-curriculars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Where are you going!? What are you studying!? Will you be moving away from "home" and living in rental accommodation!? Have you ever been away from home before!?

What makes you think there will be bad people there!? You need to decide to make the most of the opportunity's that come your way!. Study hard and put in the work!. IF you find yourself struggling ASK for help, ask for support, speak up!
Don't allow other people to lead you astray!. Remember why you are there!.!.!. to study and learn!.

But that doesn't mean you can't have fun too! See if there are any clubs or society's that you can join!. Discussion groups for like minded people!. Get involved!. DO things!.

Best of luck!. Oh PS try not to get into too much debt wasting money on booze etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

don't worry, just b nice, open minded, but at the same time ready to defend yourself if someone wants to pick on you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com