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Position:Home>Philosophy> If death is natural, why do we not accept it?

Question: If death is natural, why do we not accept it!?
My life has been one hell of a darksome ride!. My sister died before I was born, my grandmother died when I was 1, my grandfather when I was 7, two of my aunts when I was 14!. I will never see my sibling because of a miscariage that happened just recently!. All in all, 15 family members have died!.!.!.And I'm only 17! Throughout all these years, I have always felt great grief, sorrow, utter depression when someone I love died!. I still haven't accepted it!.

Animals don't seem to grieve!. Humans do!. Have always done so!. Why!? Could it be because man suffered a downfall from perfection, whereby he would have lived forever if he had not sinned against God!?

In other words, death isn't a natural part of life!? According to the Bible, God will resurrect all those who have died into blissful eternity!?

Does this explain why we do not accept death!? Please state your opinions on why we humans do not accept this inevitable fate -- death!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is natural to fear the unknown and death is the greatest unknown of all!. And since it is one of the only definite things you can count on in life, it is hard to accept that we must face our own deaths in the future!.

It is normal to suffer and grieve when a loved one dies!. Non-human animals suffer and grieve as well! It is well documented in many observations in nature!. Elephants stand by the bones of deceased elephants and mourn them!. Ferrets feel depressed and alone when one of their playmates passes away!. We all understand the pain that comes with loss!.

The Bible has only one of many views on death!. Every person and every religion has an opinion on what happens when you die!. We can speculate as long as we want, but we don't know until it actually happens!. Learning to accept that death is a part of life allows an individual to maximize his/her time while living!. Some people think death is the end, I think death is a transition, like birth!. It is a process that brings you out of this life and into another!. Anyway, I hope I was helpful!. And I am very sorry for your losses!. I have had many losses myself and I understand the pain you have felt!. But things do get better! Good luck to you :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

because we do not understand it and we fear what might happen to us when we die!. also people were more accepting of death years ago when 45 was really old!. for some reason people today want to live forever!. i think that is silly but what you need to do is have more faith and that should help you accept death!. i'm sorry for you that too many of your relatives have died!. it is not easy but time does ease the pain a bit but it never goes away totally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The bonds of friends and family!. Dying can be a painful process, and when someone we love dies, we feel pain!. It's a natural human concept, we can't lose emotional grief, we've had it since we were made!. It's out of fear that we won't see them again!. My uncle died before I was born, and I still haven't gotten over it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People are afraid of things they don't understand and death is one of them!. There are so many theories on what will happen to us once we die that people don't know what to believe!. On top of that people like to be in control and death is untaimable and people feel intimidated and scared due to their weakness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it's not natural!. Every creature is at pains to resist death!.

Does anyone ever walk through a battle ground and say "gee, all these bodies mutilated around here are so natural!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

The transition is almost always very uncomfortable!. The other side is ambiguous!. We have ambiguity aversion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Death is something sad so we don't accept it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The same reason why we get upset over other things
Simply because we do not like itWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think because we know that it is an affront!. It is something that was never originally intended!. I think a part of us knowing that we were meant to be eternal!. Proof!? None!.
I just think that our self awareness sets us apart and we know that there is something more!. If that is not your thought then that is O!.K!. I'm just sharing mine!.
I think we would be better off if it was more a part of our culture like in Mexico with the Day of the Dead!. Having a day when we remembered those that passed!. I'm not talking about ancestor worship, but I think it would normalize it more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Friend, how many members are living in your family !? If you continue on in your life counting the tragedies and instances of gloom and doom generated in the next seventeen years of your life you are going to be one of the really miserable individuals around!. Perhaps you need to change your surroundings and the people that influence you so negatively!. Death is a fact of life and we will always have to contend with it!. Birth, Love, Marriage and a whole world of happy things in life are out there also for you!. The way you are headed now you are also going to be able to complain that you have no friends, no one likes you, you can,t find a soul mate, your health is bad, etc!. You choose what ever you want to get, out of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com