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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which education is better ?to be rich with money or to be rich with character an

Question: Which education is better !?to be rich with money or to be rich with character and simplicity!?
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Our money can be gone in a moment, therefore it has no lasting or meaningful value!. I'll take character and simplicity any day!. Characters do not change, but are only developed!. Simplicity is not a dubious term!.!.!.!.in fact, I pursue it!. Some great minds have also agreed!. Emerson said: "Nothing is more simple than greatness; indeed, to be simple is to be great"!. Einstein said: "Everyone should be as simple as possible, but not simpler"!. Pretty good company there!. Good question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you take 'simplicity' out of the equation, then I'd say to be rich with character!.
But to be rich with character and 'simplicity' is sort of a dubious title!. I would take the money over simplicity any day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to be rich with character and simplicity!.!.because you can also gain money from that!.!.example when you have a good character, you can promote in your job!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Neither one is an education!.Www@QuestionHome@Com