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Position:Home>Philosophy> The meaning of life... this?

Question: The meaning of life!.!.!. this!?
If you know about the kaleshev scale, which divides intelligent civilisation into 3 catagories, type 1 (Harnes the power of a planet) type 2 (harness the power of a star) type 3 (harness the power of a galaxy)
(We're not even type 1)
I thought to myself, what is a type 3 civilisation really capable of!? Then I thought what if a type 3 civilsation can create a universe!? So what if before us there was another civilisation which reached typed 3, andthen made a whole new universe!. (us) Our creation relies on so many coinscidences, someone HAD to intervene in order for a succesful creation, so either a god, or a highly adanced CIVILISATION!. It doesn't answer the meaning of life, but it answers OUR meaning!. What do you think!? Is this possible!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Hyperspace," Dr!. Michio Kaku, talks to this!.
However, it pushes the origin of Life back a "step," but does not address the Beginning!.
"The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet, speaks to this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We can create a galaxy, universe maybe!. For if we cause for a fusion, nuclear, bomb, in an absolute zero space we will cause for a black hole to occur!. For if we cause for a black hole, we are causing a new galaxy, maybe even a new universe!.
For many theories proclaim that the universe, we live in, was created from absolute zero!. Which makes sense, for all of time is either, 0 or 1 till you reach 9!. Or the infinity sign, which has fusion and fission, within the center of the symbol!. The symbol can simulate everything from the exchange of hydrogen particles, to the galaxies, and even the creation of galaxies!. For we are a type 3 civilization!. Most are just not aware!. It is our awareness, not our technology!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If so you should be a Mormon!. When Mormon's die, they get to create a whole new universe and be the God of that one!. They have to be married though, cause you can't be a God without a wife, (Hi Mother Goddess!)

I prefer the idea that we are in an hypnotic suggestion, and if we pierce the trance and see the guy that has us hypnotized (Maybe he's a giant reptile, or an intelligent ostrich,) the field mouse that has him hypnotized send him a suggestion to put us deeper in OUR TRANCE so he doesn't come to doubt HIS TRANCE!. Then he looks over his shoulder and forgets what he was just doing!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

categorisation of civilisations is a human concept - nothing more!. The meaning of life is to stay alive for as long as you can, and spread your genes while you are at it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The meaning of life: The answer is always had!.!.!.and that is: for it to always be questioned!. This questioning leads humans to find hope and a means to have a way to improve, and/or make improvements!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The meaning of life is death!. One should live ones life by good works, a kind soul, and a belief in a higher power!. This is our path toward death!. When we die, hopefully a happy eternal life is ours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Way too much thinking!.!.!.!. too deep
Life just IS, stop trying to make it into a formula!. Stop trying to put it into a neat box!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I answer my meaning!. But as far as how this whole thing got started!? Possibly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com