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Position:Home>Philosophy> What exactly does it mean to be human?

Question: What exactly does it mean to be human!?
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well other than the dna i would say compassion and understanding!. all humans have faults but we all care for each other!. we are social animals what ever some try to say otherwise!. when a person is considered not human it usually refers to some sort of mental problem that has taken away their need to be around others and they tend to do horrible things such as graphic murders and other things that are against the good parts in human nature!. it is the balance between our good parts and our bad parts that make us human!. all good you are considered a saint!. all bad you are considered a monster and not human!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I honestly do not know it is one of those questions in which we may never fully know or understand and will forever be open for personal interruptions!.

What do you want it me!? THat is after all what is going to matter!. How I veiw what it means to be human is not going to be the same as you though it may be similar in many ways and even helpful there will be a difference!.

I could say to be human means that you are Created in the image of the living God!. That you have a mortal body that will once day die, and that your soul is in danger of hell and damnation!. THat becasue you are human God has given you free will and some thing we call emotion that I personally wish he would have left out!.

I could say that and beleive it but you may not!. What does it mean to you is the answer that you need!. Sit back and think about it and you will no!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What makes one human is the realization of self!. Animals do not have this special feature!. When an ape looks in a mirror he sees another ape!. He cannot conceive that that other ape is a reflection of himself!. Only humans know they are autonomous and only humans know they are individuals!.


I consider human a pejorative term to denote a weakness of character!. Take the phrase "He's only human!." for example!. It means you're callow, weak, and incapable of making decisions based upon anything but your basest instincts, or worst lines of reasoning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you believe like I believe that man was made in the image of God, then to be fully human is to express the good nature of the Creator in all that we do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eight fingers, two opposable thumbs and the ability to communicate through writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To know the difference between right and wrong!. That's why when someone does something wrong we say "you're such an animal!" lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The optimist in me has jumped right out to say "Caring for you fellow man" but I am not so sure it is true anymore!. :(Www@QuestionHome@Com