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Question: Love is the intangible human condition it cannot be reasoned with by the mind only the heart!.!.!.!?
Does this make senseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The heart is not an instrument of reason, yet, as you say, 'tis the one which plays the songs of love!.

Oh, such an instrument of wonder, with its manifold chambers!.!.!. its enigmatic form!. The reason of one thousand minds could not play even one of 'er infinitely unfathomable notes!.

Civilizations have risen, and been felled, by the whims of a single heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Until you offer a definition of love and proof of its existence, I can't answer the question!. Saying that we cannot reason with it because it cannot be defined may be very convenient for your argument, but it also means we cannot speak of it in the first place!. I have to question the legitimacy of such concepts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

But love can be 'reasoned' w/ by the mind!.
People just say they cannot control their emotion as a way of rationalizing what they are doing when they know they shouldn't be doing it!.
The only unconditional love I believe in is that of my love for my kids!.

Sorry to be such a downer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes of course it does!. love is unmeasurable, it cant be reasoned or figured out!. there aren't any calculations that can explain it!. only your heart knows when it is in love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You mean love can't be reasoned with by the mind but only understood with the heart!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eric I answered another equally brilliant question of yours like this once before not on love, forget what, months an months ago, G'day mate how ya goin!?

It doesnt make sense but it does, its a bit of an oxymoron like thunderously quiet!?

Here is the rational!. The human genome in all its complexity has a firm but consistant scientific rational behind how the whole body functions, even the soul weighs six grams upon departure from a terminal ward research done in a hospital under extreme scientific conditions, never more truly what you focus upon you get, since God created science for what reason do so many fellow christians persicute the fact we too do our job!? Would God condone being wasteful with a resource he gave us not more purposefully used, or hidden under a bushel or buried in the ground, then why our intellect and reasoning as not surely a great investment in the future incase we feared judging nor condemning in victimization as unloving!?

My heart is out there for all the really decent genuine sincere Americans whom are grateful for their intellect and use it virtiously to the glory of God in holiness to Christ Jesus!. Why deny God you love, some love icecream, I fear sometimes being unworthy to lead some astray into nowadays what are known as stables for professional firms where a large number of non believers exist or even some psychopath bringing in all their work at any cost!. If I work as a professional, everywhere, and I do whatever it takes in moral law biding way, is done with integrity and get employed because of my integrity not as some kind of patsy!.

Quality is its own reward, surely how we do what we do with the values we prioritise has never been more worthy!?

Love knows no boundaries, it is indivisible, intangible and all powerful and everywhere, we can even love love, so much so your brain will hurt when I say, love to love love!!

here tis on youtube!!!

so we can make the intangible tangible the way I just did!. If you love music, it is incredibly powerful, even so as the choir master in heaven became the devil, but in so doing, it is the very excess of passion destroying the soul, not the well balanced reasoning reasonable, maybe even the fundamentalist or the secular, whilst neither denying nor prejudging consider God in His glory as being devout, yet, jealous and he tells us not to be but yet, why is the Lord thou god a jealous one, is knowledge God, and the very obsession to study argue and philosiphise its demise!? Hardly, when you know all the liberal arts and sciences were we to deny truth we would deny the bible and the holy spirit, may it never be that sloth undermine gods people by an inablity to study firstly his word and secondly never worship it but cherish it as the creation of the creator, and so it is with love, faith hope charity and the greatest of these is charity, for it is in being charitable that we become comprehended!. Why longwinded, short attention span inablity to cope is a product of diet using adulterated foods, surely the greatest work of the devil is to con us into depleting the calcium and magnesium from our brains with fizzy drinks, and to rob the B group vitamins so very much controlling our dobamine too!? Foods have come a long way, I tend to wonder sometimes, what would Jesus have eaten, and in fact he broke a kind of wafer like lebanese bread, or maybe even kurrajong kitchens lavosh, a crust thinner, it was the bread of the day, with depleted nutrients in our soils we face a destruction of a capacity to think and one wonders why my alumni as an honorary member I chose not to attend whilst alcohol and saturated fatty acids are pumped into the brain with pretentious cheeses, it must be the electronic scanning device for looking at brain metal contents to see diseases!?
When we know Christ healed a lunatic three denials happened, no this is not the man, yes this is the man, but no he never was a lunatic, and finally yes this is the man, but no he is still sick!. All it was needed was an grateful acceptance with an amen, can I have one amen!? One!? LMAO yea sure why not!?

So, if we were never tolerant and patient, would you have read thus far or known why or where it lead as I point to the obvious!. It is only in the consistent strength of where we place our values that we have hope in the future!. Integrity!.

Yes, the tangible can be made tangible but, Eric ya always have to draw a really long bow where absolutes always over rule the inevitable three denials, we as Christians are all to ready to condemn and crucify on the basis we correct and teach with a log in our won eyes and yet the basis of true loving Christ to know he died once to pay the price of redemption as contained in John 3:16 is a basis!. But so too also is the acceptance is THAT CHRIST BE PREACHED TO ALL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH INCLUDING ACADEMIA ON THEIR TERMS IN BEING REASONING AND REASONABLE!. Sorry about shouting mate, sometimes even in medicine being radical is about cutting to the root cause of a problem!. It is an extremely false premise that the devout are either fundamentalist or secular, but reasoning reasonable and faithful!. It is in their faith trust and hope we see the worlds future, so few Christians remain in academia and Christ would be crying to know the denial of his love in His temple as our body would be foresaken in false modesty to know more about not doing his will to look after the final temple, the human mind, a love so pure it is our heart our power where God intrusts us with his love, giggles then goes and tips the babe out with the bath water as the brain goes into total overload with confusion, as endorphine, seratonin, dobamine and hormones rage outta control where confusion is rife, and the very basis of nothing making sense, means that even Ephesians is concerning this where, it says, Wives, give yourself to your husbands, and Husbands give yourselves to your wives so much so the singles find solace in 1 Corinthians 7!. I am not crazy today, but in love!. ya gotta wonder though, do you believe in love at first sight, nature, where God created allows us to make reason in our brains of why we procreate, for verily God said go forth and multiply!?
Further reasoning!? The book of Ruth!. "and mother in law said unto her "where rortest though today!?" Goodness gal ya got straw ol over ya! Aussie venacular bible!. "Blessed be he that did take knowledge of thee" You naughty gal yo been up to a bit a hanky panky!!! Naughty naughty!!! "and she shewed her mother in law with who she had rort and said" yea blushing like a bride they pushed the cart before the horse my goodness! in the bible, well I never!
lmao perhaps I should!. and said, "the mans name with whom I rort today is Boaz!" And we are gonna be married!!! And they all lived happily ever after!

You can thus see the importance of rereading the whole bible and not re writing the way I just did, check it out as your home work and find out where I went wrong and why I thus point blank refuse to become a priest!!!

Why Crickey even Jesus married an ex prostitute and she started the early church doin a bucket load of diplomacy behind the scenes!.

Take a really deep breath this is an uber sentence, heck its fashion week for babes:

Well thats it in a nut shell the bible the greatest book on love able to make the intangible human condition make sense, therefore thus ergo hecto ect procta the best book on psychology manditory for every psychologist, I mean, do we still only accept ex drug addicts and the mentally ill into church or are there also some really decent genuine sincere folks out there also christian, prooving beyond a reasonable doubt, in my very best John Cleese voice, heck I said nothing about the church bells or anglicans or catholics yet, better not no space or time, that the world really is flat and there is no basis for space travel only space cadets so we can all get basmtichen on sacrimental wine as contained in Romans about the jew being holy as Gods first chosen folks, or was that mel brooks history of the world part 1, gotta go or I will miss the tide, what sign is on that boat!? QANTAS! ya know I always knew God must be an Aussie Strewth! hey bleu me cattle dog, cant take him to heaven no soul!? Fetch boy!!!! dynamite, its lit!!! Sacre blue its a berm! No boy heck he's chasing me! Jesus, remember me when you come into my kingdom come, faster, faster!. The computer is dead at this point we regret to say that bluey dropped the bunger at Phils feet and burgered orf, dem shame that! Well, thats love, he lived respectfully and no one regrets him dying we'll see ya later mate!Www@QuestionHome@Com