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Question: Destruction for peace!?
i belive that for there to be peace in this world, first all those against it must be killed!. do you agree, explainWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah! We are going to have peace if we have to kill every last one of those bas!.!.!.!.!. to get it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In theory, your plan looks reasonable and just!. Unfortunately, it is not feasible for several reasons!. One reason is that you have to define what kind of peace you have in mind!. Whose peace is it!? Is it your peace, or mine, or both!? Is it global or regional or local!? Each category has its own concept of peace – in fact each one of us has their own concept of peace because it is relative!. Therefore, you cannot just eliminate your opponents and live in peace – you will end up living alone!

Another reason why your plan cannot be feasible is because of the nature of things!. This materialistic world has two faces that, together, make "one" world: Good and Evil!. To have Peace perfectly spread on earth you have to eliminate Evil; to eliminate Satan; to eliminate worldly desires, ambitions, individualities, selfishness, deceit, conspiracy, lying !.!.!. and the list goes on and on endlessly!. And that is impossible!. Not even slightly probable under the materialistic physical conditions this universe has been created!. He, who has created this universe, has created it as such!. Should he have wanted it otherwise, it wouldn't have been a difficult task for Him!.

Peace is relative, just like every other human value!. Beauty, chastity, charity, generosity, truth, love, sacrifice !.!.!. etc, and their opposites are all relative!. Values and anti-values co-exist!. Therefore, not a single value - be it positive or negative - can prevail by itself in this world without the existence of its other face: its opposite!. Peace is no exception!.

So, the answer to your question is, we cannot just kill all those who oppose “our” peace to have peace!. That would not be “keeping peace” – rather, it would be “keeping order by force”, which is akin to suppression, tyranny, oppression and injustice in its broadest application!. also, those who remain with us after that will still have something to disagree about, and in the long run, disputes will arise, and conflicts will resurrect, and killing some hundred thousands or millions before, would have been an unjustified massacre!.

Peace can only be obtained / maintained by true democracy: the freedom of thought, of self-expression or opinion and legal acts governed by true and strict justice!. Those who go against that “true and just” law can be punished or persecuted, not every one who does not agree to our version of peace, i!.e!., our limited and relative concept of peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that the world cannot be at peace in this generation, if ever!. If it does happen, I think that war will have to be "bred out" of people!. The childeren of violent people will have to be peaceful, as well as the childeren of peaceful people, to put it simply!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone is against peace, even Pacifists like myself, because we war with ourselves!. So for there to be peace in the world we must find peace within!.

"The only zen you find at top of a mountain is the zen you bring there!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

They would have to be killed by people that believed in peace - peaceful killers!? An oxymoron, surely!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

What if your version of a peaceful world differs from someone elses!? Should they kill you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com