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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is integrity different from subjective morality?

Question: Is integrity different from subjective morality!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah, integrity to morality is like an apple tree to an apple!. Your integrity produces your morals, but it is by no means an instrument of morality for the purpose of morality!. The purpose of an apple tree isn't to feed you, it's to grow more trees!. In a similar way, the purpose of your integrity is not to produce morals, but as a self-preservation mechanism!. We're social creatures, our integrity instructs us to live up to the moral standard, or exceed it!. Depending upon how big our ego is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Integrity is necessary for morality!. Morality is necessary for Man's survival!. But where do you, yourself, divide "subjective" from "objective" morality!? To pin down an answer requires that I know this!.

Do you see "objective" as Kant's "duty" morality!? Or Hegels!?
"!.!.!.everyone ought to speak the truth at all times, according to his knowledge and conviction!."
Actually, that sounds very subjective, since it has to do with one's knowledge base!. But "Subjective opinion [ ] is denounced as an inadequate 'measuring-rod of right and duty!.' "http://library!.thinkquest!.org/18775/heg!.!.!.

Is "objective" morality something like Ayn Rand's Objectivism!? Rand wrote:
"Let me stress this!. The first question is not: What particular code of values should man accept!? The first question is: Does man need values at all—and why!?"
“The Objectivist Ethics,” The Virtue of Selfishness, 13

That is an objective statement of integrity, because integrity is necessary for morality, and morality is necessary for Man's survival!.

Whether a man chooses "subjective" or "objective" morality, he himself is moral so long as he does not intefere with any other man's right to exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Could be but not necessarily so!.

Integrity is typically how you are judged by others, while anything subject is how you judge yourself!.

If your opinions are the same as others they could be in sync!.Www@QuestionHome@Com