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Position:Home>Philosophy> Appearance vs. Reality (class interaction--english)?

Question: Appearance vs!. Reality (class interaction--english)!?
Well, I'm doing a project in English about apperances vs!. reality!. We're supposed to get the class involved somehow (some groups had kids do a 'discussion' about what they felt about that certain subject and others did a jeapordy game), but what could my group do that could be unique and exciting!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I once saw some street art in Copenhagen!. A person was looking through the eyes of another person!. We are that inner person, with no attachment to the physical world!.
Our bodies are like burros that we ride in a world that we inhabit for a time, but are not who we are!.
We can put on outer shows, emotional, intelllectual and physical,they can only point to what we are, but are not us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com