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Position:Home>Philosophy> JOHN McCAIN ROCKS (if you are not christin do not even post)?

Question: JOHN McCAIN ROCKS (if you are not christin do not even post)!?
john McCain should win dont you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I very much support John McCain!. I was rooting for Huckabee when he was still in the race, but now I'm rooting for McCain!. I really want him to win!. He definitely should!. He'd be great for this country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

John McCain has a considerable reputation for integrity and has certainly amassed some significant life experiences!. He deserves respect!.

However, I doubt that he "rocks," or that his base of support is among people who are likely to be motivated by the notion that he "rocks!." 8^)

Seriously, I do not intend to support him, and here are a couple of reasons why:

(1) He seems to have become entirely delusional about the war in Iraq!. A while ago, he marched into a Baghdad market with only two companies of soldiers escorting him and declared this proved Baghdad was now "safe!." More recently, he demonstrated that he doesn't even know who the enemies shooting at our soldiers are!.

(2) I know his opposition to abortion rights plays well with some conservative Christians, but I think they've got it wrong!. The way to decrease the rate of abortions is not to simply make them illegal and then sit around complacently congratulating yourself as though you've done something; it's to build a social and economic system that supports the bearing and raising of children!. He's already committed to continuing an economic program that continues to make child-rearing more and more difficult!.

Over all, he seems to have committed himself to backing the most damaging aspects of the Bush administration's incompetence and ignorance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, look where the Christian Right has gotten us in the past couple of years with the candidates they have chosen: a war we can't win and shouldn't be fighting, a failing economy, etc!. and where are the values they keep promising/ On the shelf while the Republicans keep finding ways to give the weathy tax breaks usually at the expense of the rest of us!.

Yeah, you guys have a great decision making process!. So no: John McCain does not rock!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know what I thought was really funny!.!.!. the media never says ANYTHING about McCain!.
I asked a kid in one of my college classes
"Who are you gonna vote for in the elections!?"
They said
"Between Obama and Hillary, I like Obama"

Is there no republican party anymore!? The communists finally destroyed it lol!?

Yes, i like McCain and I think Mit Romney should run as his VP!. That would be a beasty combo!.!.!.!.!.!.

I HAVE SPOKENWww@QuestionHome@Com

well it is not like we really make that choice!. the electoral college makes the decision on who is the president!. we are just like children telling them what we want but they don't have to listen to us!. honestly i think of all the idiots we have to pick from this time around!. i like mccain better than the others he might be old but his wife is a really nice lady so even if he goes seinile his wife will make a great puppet master for him just as regan's wife did for him when he went over the hill!. i would actually like for mccain's wife to become president but baring that her husband is ok!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah!. Seriously, it's not ok to attempt to disclude non-Christians from answering your questions!. We live in a pluralistic society (thank god), so get used to it!. If you don't like it, you could always move to Iran, they seem to be ok with religious discrimination (although you might want to check which religion they're into first, just to be on the safe side)Www@QuestionHome@Com


Our Country is in trouble!. Our infrastructure is crumbling, too many people cannot get health care, the middle-class and blue-collar workers have been taken to the cleaners for the past 8 years, and our soldiers are dying for an "occupation"

Mc Cain has made it perfectly clear that his term will be 4 more years of Bush or shall I say McBush!? He should be ashamed that he supports an administration that has taken away every Constitutional right we have ever had as well as defended torture! He was a prisoner of war! I'll bet he was against torture then!

Christians are not acting like Jesus would have wanted if they support the Bush policies of torture!Www@QuestionHome@Com

John McCain will not win you fools!. Its now between Obama and Hillary, and Hillary will win the presidency!. That would be awesome, but if somehow Obama gets the ticket, its a Ron Paul write in all the way!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wish I could give a question the thumbs down!.
Poo poo on you for deciding the non Christian point of view isn't relevant!. He isn't going to win without votes from non Christians too!. Well he probably won't win anyways!.

man, how do you function in a positive manner beyond the digital world!? opposition invigorates the soul, my friend!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am not christin haha, but mccain sucks so does bushWww@QuestionHome@Com