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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are we already in Hell-your opinions on this needed for paper?

Question: Are we already in Hell-your opinions on this needed for paper!?
Some people view us as already being in Hell!. Such as this is hell!. What do you think or have you ever thought about it that way!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is no hell

There is no heaven either!.

We Athiests have no problem with this!.

Ian MWww@QuestionHome@Com

To call this life we're living now hell is to look at it extremely one-sided!. It's true that heaven & hell are what we make of life!. But heaven is here too, not only hell!.

Yes, children die!. But they're also born, and that is a truly beautiful thing!. Yes, people steal!. But people also give charitably, and much more than is lost from theft!. Yes, we have the loss of loved ones, but we also gain loved ones!. Yes, there is sickness and disease, but there is also good health, sports, leisure, sleeping in late on a weekend, walking in the park with a loved one on a warm spring day, etc!.

Everything in life that makes it "hell" also has its opposite that makes it "heaven!." And I think if you look closely and objectively, you will see that the good in life most definitely outweighs the bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think your paper should focus on the historical and cultural meaning of hell, rather than try to give a shallow definition of hell and rationalize that we are or aren't living in it!. Hell has meant a lot of different things to different people throughout the ages, so you should look at which cultures invented hell, how it was developed over time, how it was sewn into Judaism and it's path through the modern religions and into current thinking!.
Any single definition of something from mythology is shallow and meaningless outside the context of the history of ideas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The concept of hell is that of eternal punishment!. That seems to be determine by the attitude of the person in hell, in part!. If they do not feel that they are being punished then there is no punishment!. It is totally up to them as to whether they are in hell or not!. Totally subjective!.

But hell, in Christian and Muslim theologies, are eternal!. By simple observation it is clear that people eventually die and thus, if they must not have been in hell as their stay was finite and not eternal!.

Of course orthodox Jews believe that you spend a maximum time of one year in hell and you are "re-educated" and rehabilitated and then released to heaven!. Since it is clear that most people here do not spend a maximum of one year living here, that also eliminates our lives as being in hell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are in heaven, not hell!. There is no more perfect place imaginable!.

Convincing yourself that this is not hell is easy!. If you can imagine a worse place that the universe that we live in, then this clearly can't be hell!. And there are things which are truly marvelously beautfilul in this world!. If this were truly hell, there would be no love; there would be no joy; there would be no beauty!.

Convincing yourself that this is not heaven is much harder!. What would you change to make it better!? Really!. There are imperfections!. But there are imperfections because, without imperfections, we would have nothing to do with our lives!. Nothing to aspire to!. Nothing to strive for!. A so-called perfect world would be a lesser place than ours precisely because there would be nothing of value for anyone to do!.

It's true; there is suffering, there is strife, there is injustice, there are imperfections!. But there can be no joy without sufferfing!. The alternative to suffering is not undending bliss: it's unending indifference!. There can be no acheivement without adversity!. Imagine a video game that had no conflict at all!. Who would play that!? And similarly, the entire concept of justice is meaningless in a world where there can be no injustice!. All the things which make life truly worth living have their opposites!. And that's absolutely neccessary!.

A previous poster claimed that this can't be hell, because when we die, it's over!. The problem with that claim is that, if this really were hell, then there's nothing to say that we won't be reborn after we die, and do it all over again!.

But I have to tell you!. Given a choice between living this life over again, and living in some allegedly perfect place for eternity, I would choose to live this very life over and over and over again!. It would be nice to live different once over and over, but, gven that I don't remember any previous lives, whether I get to live this one over again, or a different one doesn't really make much difference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the other day I was in a line at the grocery store!.!.!.the guy in front of me had about a thousand items in his cart!.!.!.and he had coupons!.!.!.!.!.the lady in front of him had even more!.!.!.and was paying with a check that needed approval!.!.!.!.!.!.!.and the cashier was a trainee who was doing a price check for the customer she was waiting on who was paying with Canadian money!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.this was truly HELL!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything is relative!. No!.!.!. This is far from hell!. Unless, you live in a state of pain that is intolerable!.!.!. Otherwise we can adapt to anything!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of us are in hell, and some of us are in hell!. Whether we know it or not, we each live in a world of our own choosing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This ain't nothin' compared to Hell!. Here there is still hope!. As Dante indicated, the sign over Hell reads "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

welcome to the world!. sometimes its good sometimes it sucks!. there is no hell just life and death!. do what you think you should!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hell is purely a state of mind!. To this day, no one can offer proof of its existence other than someone said so or it being written about in a book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hell yes, this is HellWww@QuestionHome@Com