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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think the world would be a better place if there was no religion or polit

Question: Do you think the world would be a better place if there was no religion or politics!?
if there was no division between humanity!? i know there is never any chance, but do you think that if there was nothing to diivide us and disagree with, do you think the world would have less wars, and just be a more pleasant place to be in!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Well yes, but that's impossible (and rather unrealistic to view in those terms)!.

Politics is, by definition, the distribution of power!. There will always be some humans that yield more power over others!. The situation where nobody holds power is called anarchy, and involves a serious loss of security in daily life, because there will always be competition over material goods!. Society which allows people security (most of the time), comes with the cost of transferring power!.

As for religion, people look for purpose in their life and existence, and often the answer to this search is through a higher power or belief!. Unfortunately, organized religion often abuses these beliefs and uses them to hurt other people, sometimes intentionally!.

I think, on the whole, (to answer your question more directly) that human conflict is inevitable and therefore your question describes a situation that is impossible!. Perhaps an alternate, similar question you could ask is "What can people do to reduce the inclination towards war and conflict and promote peaceful, nonviolent solutions to conflict!?" and "How can we address the religious fanaticism found throughout the world that justifies hatred and violence against other humans!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

if there was nothing to divide us then obviously there would be less wars, but cutting out religion and politics doesn't mean that there won't be things out there dividing us!.

also, it is literally impossible to get rid of politics!. Even if there is no government there is still politics because everything involves politics!. building a 1 or two story house involves politics, what to buy involves politics!.!.

and unfortunately greed is so big in our world that their will be wars over everything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything in the world are base on Yin and the Yang!.

Without seeing the bad, how do you know what is good !?

After seeing how bad governments in third world countries mismanage their countries!. You will feel very happy you don't live in those countries!.

After seeing bad religion asking their followers to commit suicide, you will feel very lucky you don't believe in God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no i dont think the world would be a better place!.!.

i personally think it would kick us back to the jurassic period, where only the rules of the jungle apply

without religion we or politics we wont have any laws, laws were created to keep people protected!.!. every religion says not to steal or kill, the government says not to steal or kill!.!. religion uses the name of god and the devil to try and keep people in line, and motivate them into doing the right thing!.!. same thing with the government!.!. you kill or steal and off to prison u go, you do the right thing and you can live in peace hopefully without worry of being murdered in the morning!.

its the laws of religion and politics that make us HUMAN, all this technology we have today!? do u think we would have it if politics and religion didnt exist!? no one would work together or share knowledge to advance technology because we'll be to busy fighting for survival!.!.

religion and politics are there to keep us protected!. but its also nearly impossible to have any life without politics being involved!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well to quote Aristotle: "Man is a political animal"!. We will never rid ourselves of politics!. It is how humans organise themselves in communities!. Likewise, while Man is and will remain mortal, many people will have religious beliefs (or lack thereof) to cope with their mortality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think because of division in humanity both religion and politics came in for the betterment of humanity!. It is destined that way and there lies the test of humanity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Religion may very well be capable of being eliminated!. Politics is impossible to get rid of!. We do need the government as a force against other forces such coporations and the majority!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, if religion your talking mans attempt to reach God, than yes!.!.!.however Christianity is different!.!.it is a relationship with the God who gave you life!.!.it's God reaching down to man!.!.to know Him we must repent (turn away) from our sins and trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior!.!.He loves you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If there was nothing to divide us what would we aspire to!? Why would we try to better ourselfes or the lifes of the ones we loved!? Would we all have a hive mindset - no dissagrement!? Sorry it doesn't sound to appealingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely yes!. Now the world is broken into fragments!. There are even civil wars with the spread of imperialism!. The world could have been a better place to live then!.

Without religion and politics, the World would be a more peaceful place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If one did not have those they would find it here in the state to argue over something if nothing else the color of ones hair or type of shoes they wear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That would mean a world full of hopeless zombies with nothing to believe in or live for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, it would probably be a lot more peaceful!.

but honestly, i don't think we're worth much without something to believe in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes maybeWww@QuestionHome@Com