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Position:Home>Philosophy> Where will our race be in 100 years?? Will we always continue to evolve?

Question: Where will our race be in 100 years!?!? Will we always continue to evolve!?
And any other thoughts you have about us, or the universe around us!. I'll even hear from people who just want to let me know what race will evolve after ours has, if it will, passed from this existence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We will always continue to evolve, but biological evolution is slow and five generations isn't enough time to make very much of a difference!.
However, technological evolution is very fast and is always accelerating!. Futurists believe in an event in the near future known as "The technological singularity", where the future cannot be predicted by us because greater than human intelligence will exist and we're not smart enough to know what it would do!.
This intelligence explosion has two boundaries for take-off, it's likely to be somewhere in between!.
Fast and dangerous: AI becomes intelligent enough to redesign itself to be more intelligent, which causes a feedback loop resulting in machines which are smarter by humans by many orders of magnitude in a very short space of time!. By 2020 a desktop PC will have more processing power than the human brain, it's just a matter of writing the software!.

Slow and managable: Humans design technology which makes them (or their children) smarter, these smarter humans then make better technology and the cycle continues over many generations!. Modifying children may seem a little barbaric, but consider a cure for autism!.

Whatever happens, the end result depends on which path we take; the technologies can be used to either enslave or liberate the human race!. Again, it will be hopefully somewhere in between!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no such thing as "Race!."

It is a dated term that is no longer used in modern science!.

There are species of life, but no races!.

Humans no longer are influenced by Natural Selection, since we are the ones doing the selecting!. So Natural Evolution is no longer acting on the Human species!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't want to be a "contra vida" here or a bad guy, but guys how can you look at 100 yrs beyond our present time and worry about our evolution!? how egoistic!.!.!. nowadays, we are having hailstorms and snow in the philippines and if you dont know that shouldn't be happening!.!.!.!. and that is a clear sign of global warming and if we dont do anything about it, maybe 50 or 60 yrs from now we will be living in a planet that has the physivcal characteristics of mars!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The human race will evolve into something beyond what it is now!. I believe that we will become stronger, healthier, and longer living than we are today!. We will never cease to be human but we may develope some attributes that human kind today can only imagine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Miles away from the finish line!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com