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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you agree that THE VAST MAJORITY of humans are good persons?

Question: Do you agree that THE VAST MAJORITY of humans are good persons!?
Even the ones that kill others in wars I consider to be good!. They are just victims of their own ignorance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is the power of the goodness belonging to the vast majority of humans in this world which has brought the human race to the point where we are today!.Our scriptures, however non-scientific and outdated, had one thing in common-they all tried to spread the message of helping fellow human beings!.There may be conflicts, wars and misunderstandings among the nations and leaders of the world but, when any natural disaster shows its fury even in a non-friendly country, almost all the nations in the world get up to extend their help in every possible way!.Had there been the majority of the bad people , this would have happened or that would have happened is simply a hypotheses because bad people will have so much of badness in them that they will perish in their own fights!.Even the bad have some sleeping goodnes in their hearts!.You see the world from a good heart and you find most of them are good because you are in possession of the power of the goodness which very easily ignores the badness if there is any!.Bless you!.
Raja Sir!.

Your direct question: no!.

The vast majority of humans are self interested!. This makes them neither good nor evil!. They will probably help you to an extent if they know you but if you are a stranger!.!.!.good luck!.

"Even the ones that kill others in wars I consider to be good!. They are just victims of their own ignorance!."

I have friends in the military!. I have friends who have joined the military after 9-11 and our invasion of Iraq!. They went in as informed as anyone!. They are not ignorant!.

What about doctors who help out on abortions!? That's more of a gray area!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on your meaning of good , if you mean vast majority is good hearth , has compassion , pity and such the the answer is no !. of course not but theres a lot of good people just not the majority , the same goes for evil persons its not the vast majority at all ,!. Most persons are a little between good and evil mostly toward good i would like too thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. All people (even those who are overwhelmed by sin) can be good!. If only we were all perfect, and never did anything to hurt people, right!? But we never truly mean to hurt people!. These feelings are caused by either psychological breakdowns, mental illnesses, or war!. I wouldn't call the victims of war ignorant though!.!.!. Just again, overwhelmed by their own beliefs!. If you know where I'm coming from here!. Yes, a vast majority of people are 'Good' (about 80% of the Earth's population in my opinion)!. But as for the other 20% that are consumed by their sin and evil, the only thing that we can do for them, is pray!.
I hope that you found my answer at least a little helpful!.

No I would not agree!. We are the human race, that's no excuse for the evil we live daily but there you have it!. We are the human race and we cannot be good!. A minority of us try very hard to be but then we are human, that is our failure!. This minority does put faith in forgiveness of God but then we still fail Him in trying to be good!. We can't!. We can be good but compared to what!? God!? All our good beside God's good is like dirty rags!. So no, I would have to disagree that the vast majority of humans are good persons!. I would agree that the vast majority of humans try very hard to live by the social codes of ethics of their times, but those ethics change generation by generation!. I would agree that the vast majority do obey the laws of the land but that is an enforcement by governing bodies that dictate the laws!. It is not of our own free will!. Mostly if we can steal and get away with it!? We will!. We will lie if we think we can get away with it, and we kill!. By war or by social injustice we will kill!.
I don't think you know what we are capable of when it gets right down to the nature of this animal "the human being"!. You would be surprised just how debased we can become under the right pressure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

even the worst evil person in the world, there is at least some microscopic good in them!.
there's good in everything/everyone, some just refuse to believe it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most people I have me are good to very good, even the ones I disagree with!. I have met some though that every thought was evil, I couldn't wait to get away from them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well I may sound Naive but I do really think that Most people are basically good people!.!.!.!. you know, im sure there are some bad ones, but in general I tend to think most are good!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, an average person is good out of fear of society he lives in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com