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Position:Home>Philosophy> The Dalai Lama doesn't have emotions?

Question: The Dalai Lama doesn't have emotions!?
Apparantly not!. He's a "higher being " and is not bound by the destructive nature of emotions!.

How can I dissolve my emotions!?

They're annoying!.

Thanks in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He has emotions, and he very much acknowledges his humanity!. However, he is Bhuddist and practices many Zen teachings!. Basically, he acknowledges he has thoughts, feelings, ideas, and so on!. However, with Zen you simply let things "flow through you" and do not dwell on them!.!.!.if you feel anger or hatred, you acknowledge that feeling exists but you continue to "chop wood and carry water"!.!.!.in other words, go about your daily life, do your work, and do not fret about those feelings and do not act on them!. A good read: An Open Heart by the Dalai Lama!. It is his book based on his visit to the US in 1999 and discusses some of this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rather, try to see your emotions as indicators like a dashboard of a car!. I know emotions mostly hurt, but you cant abolish them, you can only stuff them away!. But that is temporary and very self destructive, trust me!.
Try to understand, that when you feel emotions that dont feel good it is your emotions telling you that what you are doing or thinking is not in line with how you want to live and need to TAKE EVASIVE ACTION! And when you are feeling good it means you are doing or thinking what IS in line with how you want to live!. Listen to them as the Dalai Lama does, he observes them and listens to those indicators objectively!. That is why he is enlightened!.
Good LuckWww@QuestionHome@Com

the dalai lama does have emotions whether he accepts it or not!. Look at his recent actions in India lots of emotion involved there!.

However it has been said that these emotions that we have the connections that we have with others and the world bind us here and do not let us achieve true enlightenment!.

If u want to dissolve ur emotions u need to see that these relationships with people and feelings u have are not "real" and then u will not have emotions anymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dalai Lama is human therefore he has emotions!.
He has trained himself not to react to his emotions but to acknowledge them and move past them!.
You cannot stop having emotions they are normal - we all have to learn how to cope with them and live life without them controlling us!.
Learn to detach from emotion (still have the feelings) just manage them better!. Hope this makes sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Meditate, try and break yourself away from all things that are physical, become a Buddhist and research their ways (they are usually affiliated to dissolving their ties with the real world), that is all I can provide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol I feel you!. Anita seems to have the answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com