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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which is easier to comprehend , a finite or infinite universe?

Question: Which is easier to comprehend , a finite or infinite universe!?
In both a spacial and temporal sense, do you find it easier to grasp exsistence as being finite or infinite!? Please Justify your response!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The finite is always easier to understand than the infinite!.

Consider the set of numbers one and two!. See!? That's all I need to say and you know exactly what I'm talking about!. Two elements, clearly defined!. Straightforward!.

Now consider the set of all numbers between one and two inclusive!. Infinite in size!. It took me at least twice as long to describe it and I'm sure there's all hinds of things in there that you haven't even thought of and that many people might have trouble wrapping their minds around even if it were explained to them at length, like the square root of two, half of pi and Euler's number, and who knows what else!.

Why should the universe be any different!?

If it is finite in size, it conceivable that we might some day have a good grasp about everything that's in it, even if that's quite a few things!. If it is infinite in size, this is not true!. For all we knew there might be some location somewhere where none of the rules applied and everything is completely different, and there's no way to search enough of it to demonstrate that this isn't so!.

Note that the expansion or non-expansion of the universe says nothing about whether it is infinite in size or not!. Infinite sets can quite grow in size and be compared to one another (the set of even whole numbers has as many elements as the set of odd whole numbers, and the set of all whole numbers has twice as many)!. In fact, most of the ways we describe the universe in a cosmological scale assume that it is infinite in size because it seems to be completely uniform no matter where we look!.!.!. we can't see an 'edge' of any kind!.

Of course, we can only see about fourteen billion light years in any given direction!. So who knows what might be revealed in the sky tomorrow!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

When one expresses knowledge of a FINITE thing, it is easy to comprehend because as the word implies "we KNOW the limits"!.

On the other hand expressing knowledge of an INFINITE thing is like saying we KNOW EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING!. That's preposterous!. Only God can claim that level of knowledge!. Humans are not capable of knowing that much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Even IF the universe is expanding, which it undoubtedly is, it's GOT to be finite right now, or there would be nothing to expand from! So: It's sort of both!.

What happens to me is, I think of the universe as some big bubble that may be encased in something because it has room to grow, yet can't!.

My suggestion: Let's not get persnickety about all the 11 dimensions of the world, but go with time for a second!. Time goes on forever, even if it's just a mathematical ray (a line that begins at a certain point (BB!?) and extends infinitely beyond)!.

So let's say the universe goes on forever!. It's infinite in at least one respect!. If we take issue with this, and, well, the universe explodes, it's really a matter of rationalizing!. Say there were infinite time UNITS, in decimal form, that the universe existed!. Or don't say anything at all: We'll soon be dead!.

:) :) :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

einstein came up with special relativity as a way to justify a steady state universe because he couldnt cope with the thought of an expanding universe which is what general relativity called for!. When edwin hubble finally proved the universe is expanding it became a moot point!. The universe IS expanding so we should come to terms with that reality regardless of our own personal philosophy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's easy to 'imagine' the universe either way!. Comprehension implies understanding!. I don't think we will ever completely understand the universe!. I recently read in Smithsonian that the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies will start to merge in about two billion years, yeah, great, just about the time I get my house paid off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i cant comprehend it going on forever but if theres and end whats on the otherside of it and then whatevers outside of it has to have an end so whats outside of that!? i've honestly just decided to stop thinking about this cuz i have no idea what it really is i mena i can come up with ideas for what i think it is but who cares cuz theres no proof that im right or wrongWww@QuestionHome@Com

For me it's infinite!. Why!? It seems only logical that the matter of the universe would expand into infinity!. That is to say that I con't perceive of a "brick wall" that the matter would eventually smack into!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i find it easier to grasp as infinite, because if the universe is finite then what is beyond that and what happens when something passes into that area, if at all possible!. But who knows it could be either for all we know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Infinite, of course, because it allows for all sorts of irrelevant considerations!. By accepting this world is it for now, there will be the hard struggle of coming to terms with its flaws!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are discussing the physical universe it is finite!. If you are talking about things other than the physical, infinite!.


I find it easier to understand a finite universe!. For every beginning there is an end!. The universe may be undeniably massive but it still has an end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i say its easier with infinite because who in their right mind would try to estamate infinate universe!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know what really blows my mind !.!.!. Why doesn't finite and infinite rhyme!? I mean they're spelled the same, geez louize!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Which one do you want it to be!?Www@QuestionHome@Com