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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do people feel it's OK to make fun of people?

Question: Why do people feel it's OK to make fun of people!?
Why do people think that they can say what a person should be like or how some should dress or act!? And if they aren't like how some one says then there made fun of!. Don't people relize that every person is diferent!? Does every one think people should be alike!? This drives me crazy!. I always try to figure this out about people but I never can!. Why not use your mind for knowledge!. Instead of using it to ridicule others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They think it's funny to belittle someone for their own amusement!. However, i think in a community such as Y!A, what happens is they end up looking like idiots!.

In real life, and i can say this from experience!. People tend to go in groups!. Like if something is the latest fashion, they all go buy it!. Me on the other hand, never went with the flow, i always believed that i'd rather be my own person than be part of a group!. The result!? It singles ya out for being differant!.

I think anyone who tends to be differant is automatically a target!. Even though it's being differant that gives us our individuality!.

Last thing i'll say, and i'll argue this till i'm blue in the face, when you strip everything down, what are we left with!?!.!.!.Nothing! At the end of the day, we're ALL human so theres no reason to ridicule!.

It's pretty sad to think this exists in our society!. We can put a man on the moon, send robots into space to picture plaets, we build massive structures beyond imagination but we cant handle something as simple as being nice!Www@QuestionHome@Com

These people make fun of others so that the attention isn't always on them!. They aren't confortable being in there own shoes and they might feel that other people will make fun of them also, so they make fun of other people first to make themselves feel better and to cover up there own flaws!. These people are obviously hiding something that they don't want other people to know because of fear that they too will be made fun of, that why they direct everyones attention to the person they are picking on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cause everyones a bunch of followers!. and normally physiclly dominant people early in life are the bullies!. these people make fun of the weaker kids!. so if your inbetween like most people are, it makes more sense to follow the dominant person and be a bully and insult people who in most circumstances didnt do anything to deserve it other than being weak, or geekish, or whatever!. id say only a rare few actually get real enjoyment out of making fun of people!. the rest are just scared of being made fun of themselves so its sacrifice the nerds to save themselves!. but age fixes those problems cause nerds rule the world and the money while the bullies fix the nerds cars and build the nerds houses!. life always balances its self out like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's the pain and emotions in them that they are too tough to reveal that implants it into those more vulnerable than themselves!. I completely agree with you!.!.!.!.
people are different!. so what!? So what so what so what!?!? sometiems people get me on this one, really it is just inhuman and primitive!.
people have different religious beliefs!. Belive what you like and convice no one otherwise!.
don't judge people!. you have no idea what a person's been through until you've walked in their shoes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the idea that human kind is genetically connected and can be traced to one ancestor is not a bad idea, if one were to become convinced of that being true and to act out accordingly as one would to as a sibling or parent , elder parent, this one could find family any where in the world, and be just as annoying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they are lacking of attention!.!.and maybe their lives are sad and miserable that's why they make other people miserable!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some people have low self esteem, and they tend to make fun of other people to make them feel better, powerful, or tough!. Or something bad might be going on in their life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

most 'bullies' do it coz they are self concious about themselves or their home life is sad and depressing just dont worry about them they arnt worth getting fustrated over!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes it justifies their own inadequacies by giving them a feeling of superiority!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is the same as ruining the rest of the real world by being irresponsibleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Insensitivity!. I could go on to a long explanation but it would still boil down to that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Small minds do small things I guess!.Www@QuestionHome@Com