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Position:Home>Philosophy> The case against perfection...what is the case againt designer babies?

Question: The case against perfection!.!.!.what is the case againt designer babies!?
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Perfection is not a well-defined term when it comes to matters like these!.

Anyway, the case against designer babies consists of the following:
-danger in human experimentation to perfect the process
-objectification of the human being, i!.e!. man becomes simply another product on the market
-breeding of humans to satisfy certain roles
-destruction of individualism

Even from an ethical point of view, I don't think any but the first of these is a good reason to reject "designer babies!." Humans are already objectified by a wide range of institutions and already try to satisfy social roles as if there is one system for which they are "meant," and just because people have similar genetic code does not mean they lose their identities as individuals!.

Since experimentation could not be performed on willing participants, though, we have a problem!. Still, it's not like we kill off babies with problems simply because they are not going to have easy lives, so there may be something of a double standard in looking down upon such experiments!. Furthermore, it could easily benefit a a much larger number of people over the long run, so it depends on whether you think utilitarianism is an appropriate moral view!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Scientific advances are not the problem!. The lack of wisdom to use them is!.

In general though, it's worthwhile to consider that today's use of science would have been percieved as things from the devil in past centuries!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

people's concepts of perfection are different!. I don't feel that a designer baby is perfect!. in fact I don't feel that any baby should be perfect!.

that is my caseWww@QuestionHome@Com

The fact that genetic determinism has been shown false!. Look up "Fluid Genome"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com