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Position:Home>Philosophy> What can we learn if we clone humans?

Question: What can we learn if we clone humans!?
Well!.!.!.!. what do you think we would learn if we cloned humans!?
also if a clone originates from an existing person, who is the parent!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think we could learn a lot, like what human meat tastes like, how much chemestry plays in the development of the body, whether homosexuality, intelligence and other things are mostly down to nature or nurture!.

If a clone originates from an artificial womb, then there has been a paradigm shift that has rendered the word "parent" obsolete!. We'll need new words or phrases to describe the different contributors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cloning a human would be a dangerous thing!. There's obviously the risk of producing a deformed or handicapped human and also their emotional problems of being a clone, but also cloning can be abused to produce, for example, physically stronger humans who are then used for their creators own ends!. We would learn the power of our own technology but there are dangerous implications!.

The "parent" of a clone is the "anti-clone"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Supposedly clones think the same way as the original,
so imagine one day you are told you are a clone!? that would be pretty scary,
anyways, if we learn to clone humans most of them would probably be used for cruel experiments (like the nazis did with their prisoners) even though a clone has human emotions!. Or just and be used for endless cycles of human life making the world a crowded placeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting question!.
I believe that the parents of the person cloned is the parents of the clone!.

What will happen!? Each clone has nature/nuture/enviroment/free will!.
Those things can take the identical person and show the variety of circumstances that would make a clone an individual!.
Even for myself!. I figure that I have come to a billion forks in the road!. Each moment, what I choose affects me and my future!.

I think it is best to NOT mess with Mother Nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The most valuable lesson we would learn from the cloning of other humans is that it would be an encroachment on God's power as the sole Creator of the Universe!. Imagine the return of a Hitler or a Stalin!? Or perhaps a creature so "perfect" in all forms that he or she could rule the world!.!.!.maybe perhaps as the anti-Christ!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Relax,whatever you do,you are arranging the natural stuff,it wouldn't go far before the law of nature,cause itself is a part of nature!.

in this particular situation who cares who the parent is, if we learn how to live forever it has to be good! give humans enough time and we'll off the planet and eventually out of the solar system!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we'd learn that we'd be better off without it!.humans are gonna be the reason for the end of the world someday soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com