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Position:Home>Philosophy> If everything we do is a chemical reaction than doesnt that dissprove the idea o

Question: If everything we do is a chemical reaction than doesnt that dissprove the idea of a soul!.!?
also doesnt the ability of to clone mean there is no soul because is some thing was cloned would its soul also be cloned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You said chemical "reaction!." That is the defining word!.

Those reactions are not the cause of themselves!. They are caused by conscious decisions!. Emotions match what you value!. If you hate heros, and see one being demolished, you will feel happy, if not ecstatic!.

Chemicals happens BECAUSE of our soul!.

"That which you call your soul or spirit is your consciousness, and that which you call “free will” is your mind’s freedom to think or not, the only will you have, your only freedom, the choice that controls all the choices you make and determines your life and your character!."
Galt’s Speech, For the New Intellectual, 127Www@QuestionHome@Com

The spirit is not seperate from other "spirits" as though it were an individual!. The Great Spirit is in everything/ is everything!.When a body is born, the spirit inhabits it as concioussness and leaves it when it dies!.
Proof of this is the Out of Body Experience, or OOBE, reported by many people who "die" on the operating table and return to life due to medical procedures!.
These people report that they could hear and see things not audible or visible from the location of their bodies!. These reports are verified by attending physicians, nurses, etc!.
If you see something in your imagination as though on a screen, who is it that is watching the screen!? That is the spirit and it is different from the chemical soup that it lives in!.
Cloning is not different from natural birth!. The spirit can inhabit anything!.
It's not any more unusual to be born twice than it is to be born once!.
Life is a mystery and a miracle beyond our understanding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. There is no proof of the non-existence of something that cannot be shown to exist!.

You cannot prove that God, demons, angels, spirits, souls, unicorns, fairies, etc!. don't exist!.

That is one of the curious quirks about proofs!.

On the other hand if something exists then it has attributes that you can measure or observe!. The fact that you cannot detect the existence of a soul provides some evidence that you shouldn't spend any energy defending its existence!. It is the responsibility of those who believe in these things to prove they exist before they can also start to talk about their attributes or properties!.

And, No!. The ability to clone implies nothing about selves, personalities, souls, legal rights, or anything else the newspapers hype about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if every action is just a chemical reaction, then how do you explain it when someone overrides their own body chemistry to do something like fasting for a few days, or weeks even though the hunger tells the body to eat, or intentionally abstaining from sex even though their chemically based reproductive drive is making them "horny"!. I suppose someone might make the argument that those individuals must have genes which kick in at certain times to cause such self denial, but until that were proven I would say that there is a metaphysical intervention!.

As far as whether or not a clone would have a soul goes, I'd say it may well be a possibility that a soul might be infused into it!. Then too, it might merely be a biological robot!. Do cats and dogs have souls!? Who knows!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of the chief functions of religion and the supernatural was to explain the unexplainable in ancient times before we had science, empiricism, rational thought, or hardly any knowledge of the world around us!. Now that we DO have all these things, gods and other supernatural phenomena are finding themselves being squeezed out of the explanations market!.

While we certainly don't know everything about the brain, we do know enough to pretty much rule out any concept of an independently-existing soul!. One's memories, personality, experiences, and other traits have been shown to have a physical basis in the brain!.

Below is a link to an ongoing blog conversation between two neurologists, one a believer in souls and one not, on just this subject!. Hope you find it useful!

P!.S!. In response to the first answerer, mitochondrial DNA appears to have been originated from symbiotic bacteria in our distant past!. In any event, DNA is also entirely physical; there is nothing "magical" or supernatural about it!.

In response to the 2nd answerer, are you saying that consciousness causes the chemical reactions in your brain!? Silly scientists, they all thought it was chemistry! Oh wait, it IS all chemistry!.!.!.!. also, odd that you would use a Rand quote!. Wasn't she an atheist!? It also appears that Galt was speaking of a figurative, not literal soul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. A soul can be a chemical reaction too; why not!?

BTW, in cloning, the mitochondrial DNA are not!. So, maybe the soul is in the mitochondira!.

I think the whole soul debate is silly!. But at least silly means fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's note entirely possible to answer that question until everyone agrees what a soul actually is!.

My inclination is to say, yeah, it means there's probably no such thing as a soul!. I am also a free will skeptic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing exists!.!.!.!.nah, I just can't believe that, and won't because that's too depressing!Www@QuestionHome@Com