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Position:Home>Philosophy> This answer contains a false claim of Aristotle doesn't it?

Question: This answer contains a false claim of Aristotle doesn't it!?
To begin with, I provide the URL of my question "Do you love Aristotle": http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.

The BA, which I erroneously picked, contains the following passage (referring to Aristotle): "he is, after all, also a man who thought slavery was good and justified and that women were inherently inferior to men!."

That statement is a false claim of Aristotle isn't it!? Aristotle did not express such views, it was Plato who implicitly favoured them in "The Republic" and "Timaeus"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well given that Classical Athens had slaves and this was considered normal, Aristotle would have accepted the practise!. He briefly mentions and justifies slavery in "The Politics" and "The Nicomachean Ethics"!. As for the status of women, Athenian society regarded men as the superior gender, and this is again reflected in Aristotle's writings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aristotle was a very classist man!. He believed that all free landowning men should have the right to vote, but he didn't have a very high opinion of many other people!. I don't think the answer is false!. "Aristotle" forms the basis for the first half of "Aristocrat!."
Not that I can complain, I agree with him on much of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, you are correctWww@QuestionHome@Com