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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you underestimate the power of luck over your success?

Question: Do you underestimate the power of luck over your success!?
"We are what we make of it regardless of how we began!."

I can hear many statements like the above!. But it seems that those people who make them, only are able to say that because they "happened" to get successful!.

Let me give you a classic example:

There is a tournament where 10,000 participants flips coin!. Whoever with the tail side wins!. Now the probability is 50/50!. The likelihood of winning is 50%^ (number of matches); Very slim and it's solely attributable to luck!. But eventually, there WILL be someone who wins!.

Now, the audiences start to ask how he done it!. the guy who wins naively thinks that he have special skills since he managed to beat the rest!.


That was an example given by the richest man on Earth, Warren Buffet to illustrate the naivete of a trader who manage to amass gigantic wealth!.

Life is like that in all walks of life!.

Do you think that people who attributes his success solely to his effort as being naive, just like the luckster example!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Luck plays a role, but the more you try the luckier you'll be!. Statistics prove out!. For example, if you audition to be in a movie there may be 1,000 other people trying out!. Maybe 10, including you, could play the part!. You've got a 1 in 10 chance of getting it if you're lucky!. However, if you keep auditioning you increase your chances of getting your "lucky" break!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have it wrong, most people put a lot of hard work into their sucess!. Granted sometimes luck plays into the game, but for the most part sucess is determined by hard work and dedication!. Luck is something that plays a part, but why the hell is someone going to tell themselves they just got lucky!? That wouldn't make them feel better or keep them working to strive for more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really believe in luck!. but I DO believe that if you put a good amount of effort into something, you will see great results!.
therefore, your success!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course I believe in luck!. How else could I explain the success of those I dislike!?
In all seriousness, luck, as defined: "A force that brings good fortune or adversity", is not a reality to me!. However, chance is!. The man who wins the coin flipping contest does so by chance!.!.!.!.!.!.in other words, the 1 in 10,000 chance fell upon him that day!. In most of life examples, though, chance favors the prepared mind!.
That being said, I do believe that there is a Force at work in this world that ultimately brings good fortune or adversity into our lives!.!. Some call it destiny, karma, or God, and it is directed by our actions!. The effects of our actions may be postponed, but they are never lost!. There is an inevitable reward for good deeds and an inexcapable punishment for bad!. Meditate upon this truth and always seek to earn good wages from destiny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com