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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which is the most confused decade of your life?

Question: Which is the most confused decade of your life!?
Or which do you think will be the most confusing!?

0-9 years

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
0-9 for me!. My famly was torn apart in these years and I wasn't getting a whole lot explained to me so these were the most confusing years for me!.
10 -19 wasn't a whole lot better frankly but for different reasons

Almost all my years before I was 40 were confusing and a struggle to find myself, make sense of my past and find out just who I really was (what I thought, what I believed) beyond what I was taught I was supposed to be and how I was supposed to think and act!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whichever one you are in!. Once we are out of a decade, we have the knowledge we gained and the experience to know how it turned out!.!.!.so it makes sense to us!. We can look ahead at the people we know ad "imagine" what we might be like at that age!.!.!.usually more put together and confidant than we are now!. People picture themselves ten years from now as better and more accomplished!.

Because we are in the middle of our decade, it is the most confusing!.!.!.!.we have only seen part of it, and are not able to know how it will turn out!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My 20s - overcame severe mental illness, coupled with addiction - lovely!.

I think it impossible not to be confused somewhat at life - no matter what decade!. Anyone who has got all the answers, to my knowledge, knows very little!. I just try and grab onto small things that make sense to me and live my life on simple terms!. Absoloute clarity is a myth though - always doubt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll take ten to nineteen for ten points please!.
Puberty, teen angst, testosterone in overdrive, physical growing too fast too much and the girls were particularly hard on me and my naivety!. Yep !.!.!. those years were more confusing than the United States government is!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Right now!. 10-19!. Its very confusing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The one I'm in right now!. I hate being a teenager, and not being able to do anything without my parents constantly breathing down my neck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

10-19 because thts the age when ppl r trying to find themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

10-19 that was the 60's and wow was it ever confusing!Www@QuestionHome@Com