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Question: Deep questions!?
Why doesn't glue stick to the bottle!?

Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a gun at him!?

Whose idea was it to put an "S" in the word "lisp"!?

What is the speed of darkness!?

If the temperature is zero outside today and it's going to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be!?

If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes!?
What is the meaning of life!?
Why cant we live forever!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1) Depending on the type of glue, it would stick to the bottle because of the result of chemical reaction that adheres to the bottle by covalent/ionic/hydrogen bonding!.

2) Superman stops a bullet with his chest because it is entertaining for people who watches it!.

3) Lisp is an onomatopoeia, that`s why the s is there because it would best imitate the sound of a lisp!.

4) Darkness is the absence of light, thus you can say the speed of darkness is the negative speed of light, or just plainly the speed of which light disappears!.

5) Temperature is a relative measurement!. In Kelvin there is Absolute zero - infinity, so it can`t drop any lower!. Using Celsius, 0 degree Celsius can still drop to -273 degree but twice as cold at zero cannot be determined without a reference to something such as twice cold at 0 from 100 degree, must set a finite number!.

6) Humans did not evolved from apes, apes are close relatives of human!. Apes and humans evolved from homo sapiens!.

7) The meaning of life depends on your belief!. From a scientific view, the purpose of life is to reproduce and sustain your species!. !.

8) We can`t live forever because our body is not 100% efficient!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Because there are chemicals that keep the glue from being set inside the bottle!. Exposure to air will change the chemistry and the glue will set!. Put the glue on the outside of the bottle or transfer it inside a bottle 1000 times bigger!. The glue will stick!.

2) Because anyone who wears red underwear outside blue bodysuit is most likely weird!.

3) I don't know!. But I like Lizp better!.

4) The speed of light!. Darkness can still mean there is electromagnetic radiation outside the spectrum of visible lights so the speed is the same!. In the case of blackhole, the speed is also the same; only direction is reversed!.

5) Temperature is a property of matter!. You cannot quantify "twice as cold"!. Just like color, for example, you cannot quantify "twice as brown"!. "Twice as X" can only be quantifiable when X has aspects of magnitude and direction, like "twice as heavy" or "twice as fast"!.

6) Because the existing apes survive just fine in their habitats!. Thus non-mutating individuals pass on their genes and surviving the species without problems!.

7) No meaning!. But you can define your personal purpose!.

8) Because organic cells decay, cells' capabilities to regenerate decrease, and eventually diseases win the constant war between them and human body's defense system!. We can slow things down by strengthening defense system but eventually human body's complex symbiosis of trillions of cells and bacterias will break somehow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Glue does stick to the bottle if you put it on the outside!.

Superman ducks because a gun thrown is much slower than a bullet fired so its easier to dodge!.

The person who put an "S" in "lisp" is the same person who put "L","I" and "P" is "lisp"!.

The speed of darkness is the same as light since darkness moves wherever light retracts!.

If its going to be twice as cold tomorrow than today, it will be however cold it is today but twice as cold!.

There are still apes so that there will be more people in the future!.

The meaning of life is to be not dead!.

We can't live forever because there's not enough Social Security as it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Questions as deep as a dried up well Synth!. =]
The glue isnt supposed to stick!?
Superman isnt super!.
"Lisp" is some kind of sick cruel joke obviously!.
Darkness is exactly and equally as fast as Nothing!.
Colder than Zero!?! My brain hurts!
Are we evolved!? Apes dont pay taxes, they throw s!.h!.i!.t!. at the "evolved" ones and laugh hysterically!.
The meaning of life is cake!.
We cant live forever because you said so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why doesn't glue stick to the bottle!? magic!

Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a gun at him!? He doesn't want to break the gun!.

Whose idea was it to put an "S" in the word "lisp"!? Steven Colbert

Why cant we live forever!? Boring

Sorry Don't know the rest ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have no idea, but those are the questions of life, though, but i really want to know the question of life!. That is some of those questions, the world may never know the answer toWww@QuestionHome@Com

You forgot to ask "Why is it true that no man is twice as conscientious as his brother's keeper!?"

Harleigh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont know but it just happens but questions that make you thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

Glue does stick to the bottle it's just not the usual sticky you think!. It actually bonds into a hard form when it dries, otherwise it is sticky like just not hard in the bottle!.

Superman ducks because it's a movie thing, he can't be invincible otherwise it makes the point of the series stupid, who wants to watch somone win effortlessly all the time!? Plus it may be easier to dodge a thrown gun than a bullet!.

Darkness is the speed it takes for the last ray of light to reach your eye, once that last ray of light disappears darkness follows in it's wake!.

it would be be 0 technically speaking since 2*0=0 but really there is no real answer like that, math is flawed when it comes to this I guess!. Maths fault!. Of course if it is 0 degree fahrenheit then it is something else celcius like -24 so it can be twice as cold just not in the same scale!.

Noone said evolution was perfect, the apes were the one left behind!.!.!. just making a guess!. Why aren't all apes the same!? Maybe we're just a type of ape!.

The meaning of life is whatever you make of it, and even then it's still just a guess!. Even if I did know the answer to the meaning of life would you believe me anyway!? Some belive they know the answer to the afterlife (god, heaven, hell, etc!.!.!.) but not everybody believes them even if they were right we could never tell!.

Nothing can go on forever, it's very hard to imagine, but if you think about this next thing I'm going to say it kind of redefines infinity:

If you start a race around a track you must first complete half of the track before you can finish, but before that you must complete 1/4 of the track and before that 1/8 and before that 1/16 and so on so forth so you must complete an infinite number of events in a finite ammount of time and it is possible since we all know someone can finish a race, but heres the paradox : { There is an infinite ammount of events but each event is an infinitely small amount therefore infinity/infinity = 1!.!.!. am I correct!? }Www@QuestionHome@Com