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Position:Home>Philosophy> I chose a BA containing a wrong assumption of Aristotle's ideas. What should

Question: I chose a BA containing a wrong assumption of Aristotle's ideas!. What should I do now!?
Doctor Y mentioned in his answer to my question "Do you love Aristotle" that Aristotle "supported slavery and justified that women are inherently inferior to men"!. That is not acceptable as it was Plato who expressed such views in his "Politics" and "Timaeus"!. Aristotle DID NOT express such views in any of his works!. Nevertheless, I forgot that important detail and gave Doctor Y the BA!.

Apparently, I acted quite stupid and got deceived so easily!. But the BA has been given and only in case my question "Do you love Aristotle" gets deleted could the situation be reversed!. But, what can I do to reverse my mistake, though only partially!?

!.!.!. Anyway, next time I must be more careful and sober when judging answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To Err is human,
To forgive is devine,
(This from an agnostic, lol)

Forgive yourself and move on!.
Maybe delete and repost, that may help!.

Hope all is well,
And things are going your way!.

Take care!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you'll find that Aristotle did express such views!. See the links below!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No idea what you are on about or what the question is!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just let go, answers have full of invalid BA!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Very few people, it would seem, ever use the comment-section after a BA is chosen!.!.!.

2) I would suggest posting a comment w/ a link to a new question; and give the real Best-Answerer another shot at it, and if appropriate explain your pre-judgement!.

3) If the real BA has an email, inform him/her of such intentions; otherwise he/she will have to discover it for themselves in the comment section of your answered-question; located, on the bottom of the question-field near the "Save" and "Add Additional Detail" options, but of course before the answerers-field!.

4) I hardly ever use the forums, but that may be an option to get the real BA's attention as well!.

5) Thank You for being so Conscientious about this, I believe we could all take a lesson, for how quality does matter to you!.

6) As others have stated, others wouldn't be so conscientious, thanks for being one of the exceptions!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com