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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is more likely to be the voice of ego: a question or an answer?

Question: What is more likely to be the voice of ego: a question or an answer!?
I do not mean to say a question and its answer only, but questions and answers, in general, as they could also be independent to one another, as notions!.

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You have been very kind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To ask a question you need not think and you can ask anything arising out of your ego!.
To answer one needs wisdom, knowledge and guidance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The voice of the ego!.!.!. Ego is a state of mind, what is voiced by the mind is not always entirely correlated to what is contained in the mind!. Articulating our thoughts into words and voicing opinion eloquently are virtues, giftedness!. Scared speech is a precious attribute!.

Questions are evoked by the world about us and sometimes our imagination!. Un- asking a question – here on Yahoo, deleted questions remain, greyed out and retained in our questions box!. Life is similar!.

Once a question is inspired, aroused, evoked it commands an answer!. The response may not be immediate, an hour, a year, an eternity but the question remain as a cloud, sometimes dark and ominous, sometimes as pale as the sky and unobtrusive, but it remains deep within our subconscious!.

My thoughts and your thoughts!. We pose questions with distinction and discernment and can guess the response depending upon they respondant!. Ego is to offer questions to they who are known to offer positive and flattering replys!. Here question when we seek a truth that eludes us, to gather views from varying perspectives or simply to fathom the mindset of they about us regarding a topic, subject or situation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is an interesting question!.!.!.the first answer that comes to mind is 'an answer' because an answer demonstrates knowledge as opposed to the question which perhaps doesn't demonstrate that much knowledge (since the questioner had to question)!. Like, the very fact that I've decided to answer this question is because I think I could come up with a pretty good answer (said with all modesty of
course) and so my answer is the voice of my ego!.

But I guess what I've said above could get complicated if I say that a question can have many forms!. I think it depends on the context or the 'type' of question!. For instance, I could ask my teacher a really smart question that he/she can't answer or I could 'ask' a really good rhetorical question in an essay or speech!. In these cases the answers wouldn't really matter at all because in the first scenario I've merely put my teacher on the spot and in the latter scenario, I'm not really looking for an answer (chances are my audience already knows the answer); all I want to do is emphasise my point, whatever it might be!. These kinds of questions clearly show evidence of the voice of ego in them!.

But generally, if you are referring to a question in which the questioner seeks to clarify something or to gain knowledge by asking then, yes, I would say that an answer would be more likely to be the voice of ego!.

Hope this helps!. I've tried to rephrase all the confusing parts of my thoughts not really sure if it helped though!

All the best!Www@QuestionHome@Com

An answer!.!.!.!.!. wanting to "show" knowledge, be "respected" or "admired" wanting others to agree with your views and opinions!.!.!. that's more ego driven than to question!.!.!.!. Asking a questions shows humility, its an "admission" of a gap in your knowledge and understanding, it asking for other opinions and views!.!.!. showing you are willing to be "wrong" and to have your own views challenged!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The answer -

"Men have been taught that the ego is the synonym of evil, and selflessness the ideal of virtue!. But the creator is the egoist in the absolute sense, and the selfless man is the one who does not think, feel, judge or act!. These are functions of the self!."

The Soul of an Individualist,” For the New Intellectual, Ayn RandWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think that both are likely to be the voice of ego!. But not both equally ego-driven!.

Sometimes questions are accidents, and sometimes answers are mandatory!.

I really like this question!.!.!.it made my ego hum when I answered it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

neither , unless it is expressing obviously the EGO !. which ought to be obvious to you !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with banjaren!. Assuming that you have the answers to everything is pure ego!. Look, there goes mine! Hehe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ego doesn't differentiate between questions & answers, thats why its EGOWww@QuestionHome@Com

for me it's the questions!.!.because in your questions you find out what you really wanted in life!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A person who wants to speak about him/herself will always manage to do so no matter what the question!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A question better not to be answered!.
that's how I understand it!.


answer !.!.!.!.to prove---- i -----am always right!.!.!.!.i is an ego!.Www@QuestionHome@Com