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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there a such thing as equality or is equality a lie???

Question: Is there a such thing as equality or is equality a lie!?!?!?
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Mathematically, equality is a must!. 2 + 7 = 3 + 6!. Here you have equality and it is not a lie!. It is a mathematical truth!.

However, I think you are talking about social equality!. This is difficult to determine because the problem is "who gets to judge it as being equal!?" Whoever that person is would then be priviledged (since they have to power to say what is equal or not)!. Given that they are priviledged (and others are not), then there would seem to be no equality (since only one or some people would get to be the "judge")!. It is not so much that equality is a lie but rather that it is an ideal that we must constantly struggle to attain regardless of how difficult it is and how clear it is that we can never attain it fully!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When one talks of equality, there are a couple of different concepts at play!.

First, there is, as there should be, equality in the eyes of the law, equality before the courts!. It was not always so, and we must be vigilant to keep it so!.

However, in every day life, we are not all equally physically gifted, equally well mannered, equally parented, equally employed!. We have an equal opportunity to succeed, but we are not equally prepared to take advantage of those opportunities!.

Much of life's unfairness comes from the factors not in our control that limit us inequitably!.

Is equality a lie!? Not exactly: It is more like a goal we should work toward than a fact, I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"6!.1 divided by 6!.1" and "1" are equal!. So yes, I would say there is equality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com