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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you shun patriotism as it manifests today - and why?

Question: Do you shun patriotism as it manifests today - and why!?

And do you feel comfortable for not being, as someone on here said everyone should be, '100% [behind] Americanism'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the UK the govt are trying to install legislation which require school children and immigrants to pledge allegiance to, what, the union jack, the queen, the prime minister, some such crap!.

I disagree with this, It creates a "with us or against us" ideology, polarised at extremes!. This is not a good way to see the world!. Most of the things that involve human beings fall into the vast grey area in between!. For example, Hitler, mass murdering ******** that he was, was a dog loving vegetarian!. He was a human being!.

Patriotism is fundamentally flawed as it harkens to perceptions and ideals of perfection, namely the glorious past, or the glorious future!. 'If we work together we can do anything!.!.!.!.' 'Make it like it used to be'!.

Basically though if you are willing to sacrifice yourself for the same people who have been and will be ripping you off throughout your life, then you deserve everything you get!. Its no longer a matter of biting the hand that feeds you!. The hand has become a fist and is having a bloody good time beating the living crap out of you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's a story somewhere about Pharisees and Sadduccees somewhere!. How it does it go!? Real patriotism works the same way!. To me, patriotism for show is a surefire indication of somebody who utterly misses the point of what patriotism is about!.

Ask yourself: what have you done for your country today!? No!. Waving a flag doesn't actually count!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Patriotism has grown into a lie, I am in no way ashamed that I shun Patriotism and what it has become!. Patriotism perpetuates a war most Americans despise, and supports a rotting political system which is no longer by the people for the people, it is now by the media for big business!. I love my freedoms, hate the American political regime for sooooo many reasons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel very patriotic but I don't need to emblazon it all over me to make my point!. I get annoyed by people who put magnetic ribbons or plastic waving flags all over their car!. It's the same way I feel about religion!. I don't need to put a fish with a cross for an eye on my car or wear a WWJD!? band to be a good Christian!. It's not that I don't have symbols that are important to me in my faith and my patriotism, but they are PERSONAL SYMBOLS, not COMMERCIALIZED PRODUCTS that everyone needs to recognize!.

For me, having a calla lily necklace that my mother gave me when I was baptized is a symbol of my faith, just as wearing a dark red cardigan, sparkly white tank top and blue skirt on national holidays is a way of showing my patriotism without looking like a bad example of the flag!.

So, to conclude, I'm all about PERSONAL symbols of patriotism versus COMMERCIALIZED dreck!. Hope that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I don't shun it but it just doesn't seem to have the same punch and ring as it used to!. There were days when our soldiers fought the tyrant whose aim was to oppress our citizens and those soldiers sacrificed valiantly for our rights!. Nowadays it just seems that our soldiers are sacrificed but the reasons are shifty, illusive almost deceptive!. That seems to have been caused by the nature of our enemies as our leaders being leaded into the fight or worse being bad leaders for dubious reasons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally cannot stand behind patriotism as it exists today because it still stands for a small group of humans and not for humans as a whole!. We need to be patriots for the globe!.
I heard a quote "Why do we kill people who kill people to show people that killing people is wrong!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I shun it!. All it does is isolate the states with an "us against them" mentality!.
It sucks!. It sucks the most vile cigar on the market it stinks so much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being 100% behind something that is bad for the country is not patriotism!.

Love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com