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Position:Home>Philosophy> Possible to have more than one soulmate??

Question: Possible to have more than one soulmate!?!?
You see, I had this absolute belief that there is one soulmate for a person!. And I found him!. Now he is gone, and I have been dying inside, knowing that I will never love in such a powerful way ever again!.
But recently I heard a new viewpoint!. I talked with someone who believes that each person can deeply love a number of people throughout life!. That there can be soulmates, not just one, but a number of people you can experience that intense body and soul connection with!. I don't mean just many shallow relationships, but the kind of love where that person just knows you, like you were meant to be together!.

Of course, that idea sounded great to me, and I would be so comforted to know that I may find that amazing sense of connection and belonging with someone again!.

But is it the truth!?

I am not so much looking for your opinions, because everyone has those!.

I would like to hear from anyone who can tell me this happened to them -- More than one soulmate in your lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
YES!!! I have had 2 soulmates so far!. I firmly believe that a true soulmate makes you look at the world in a new way, and that they open your eyes and help you to see things with a clarity you may have never had before!. I think that they teach you so much, and in so short an amount of time, it's like they hit your soul with lightning and set you on fire!. It's incredibly intense, and unfortunately, I think that most of the time these relationships do not last for very long!. They can't!. I don't think people are meant to feel that intensely forever!. But I'm still hoping that my third will come along, and this time I'm praying it will stick!. By the way, I also believe a person of the same sex can be a soulmate, and that it can be through friendship without having to also be lovers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One man one woman concept is created by Christian missionaries or the Church!.When polygamy was popular many women loved one man as husband or heart throb!.It may be possible to love many simulataneously as love is only sharing mind and body!.Love increases when you share!.Belonging is a feeling and that happens when you are having some common objective or likings!.If you again seggregate man-woman relation(sex) from pure love ,you will find you can love more/even more people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a gravestone in Waverly cemetry which indicates that a man was buried with his earlier deceased wife!.
The gravestone was placed there by his second wife who expresses her love for this man and recognises that his first wife was truly loved by him!.
The second wife was interred there by the children with a similar story of love and devotion!.
No holding back no jealousy etc!.
I suppose might be easier to react this way if your spouse is dead, but it is still lovely to read!. ()Www@QuestionHome@Com

i guess i have always viewed love as just a deep connection with somebody else!.
i have had a deep connection with many ppl (as friends) i have been in love once!. i believe the only thing that seperates a friend from a lover is the attraction you hold with one another, and the ability to experiment with one another is a sexual way!. (which is why girls get so attached to their first--when they lose their virginity)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ya, it happened to me before!. I was totally in love and then things went south!.
Even if you have an amazing connection with someone, it doesnt mean things in you and in your lover wont change!.
And when those changes do happen, it opens the door for you to connect with someone else on a new level!
Its amazing, Mostly its our own feelings getting the best of us!. But just take it as it comes, and never give up!
Dont Look for it either, Let it come to you!
Only you can know when its that feeling!.


it's all about your destiny my friend!.
it was god's plan that brought you both together, and He will send someone else to you in due time!.
till then just bask in being loved and loving others!.

also, why don't you patch up things with your old mate!?
(if he's still alive, you didn't quite mention this clearly)

if it is so, then move on, things will come your way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There isn't a truth - it's different for everybody!. But i believe if you are assertive and can get over your 'soulmate' and get out there and meet people you may find someone who you eventually get that 'soul mate' feeling with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i remember reading a book about a a woman having two soul mates!. the other one is her love partner and the other is her other half!. having two soul mates is a strong possibility in this life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I truely believe you make a soulmate, not find one!. I do not believe that a soulmate is a happy accident, it takes a lot of effort and commitment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People are matched on similar traits!. We are not creatures of originality!. As such it there ar eplenty of soulmates!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well you can only have one soul but soul mates can be in plural and not restricted to singular!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe so!. Yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As long as they're not both at the same time, nothing limits how much we can love except for us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Yes it is possible!. I've had three, two are gone but the one woman I am with now fits into my life like she is the blood running through my heart!. She will be till death parts us!.
Should I live through that terror I know that this planet has another mate to compliment my soul!. I am comforted that should God take me home before my wife that there is a man here on earth to be with her, I know like me she will find someone after the grief is gone!. Life will go on and love will abound once again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it happened to me!. After my divorce, which was quite traumatic and involved cheating and mental illness on the other part, and basically left me totally disillusioned, I was convinced I would never ever love that way again!.

I was wrong!. I met my fiance, and he is the second chance that I thought I would never have, and if anything, the connection is greater because of the trauma I have been through and his understanding ways and the expectations I had about my future!. He is more special because he has managed to touch me emotionally despite all the emotional damage I had!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You will never know!.

I imagine I might find someone again, but that love with them will be different!. Can't see how it would be the same!. It can be just as intense!. It will be better in some ways and worse in others objectively; but to you on the inside, if you do truly love someone again, the first love is extinguished!. I mean, TRULY love someone again; see them as your soulmate like you say!. You'll look at the one before as if 'yeah, it was serious!. Very serious!. But this one is my real soul-mate!.' There'll be no convincing you otherwise - If you really love them!.

You might say, objectively, they are just as in love as before!.!.!.

But the point is, love is about you - not someone else's objective opinion!.

So you will never know - because if you did, you wouldn't be in lve again - truly!.

Nothing to get depressed about - because you will be in love again! It's just a circular concept I reckonWww@QuestionHome@Com

Soul mates do not involve the body at all!.!.!. biologically, we are compatible with millions of other bodies and this is this way because of our purpose of procreation!.

Emotionally, we are compatible with many others only during the time that our emotional needs are being met!. Even with the same person we can "fall out of love" if our needs are not being met/

But Spiritually, it is a different story!.!.!. we are one soul and this soul that we are in unique as is the other souls we meet!. I believe that I have had a soul mate experience with several others as we have walked the same spiritual walk and felt so "one" with the other!.

I presently am with soul mate # 6 that I can track and we have been together 14 years!. I still have the soulful feelings for the others but we did not stay compatible in other areas of our relationship!. This time is different!.

I love this one unconditionally!.!.!. which means that there is nothing that can be done to change that love!. Now, I admit that I had to "train" to love this way!.!.!. and it is a spiritual thing of forgiveness and acceptance!.

However, if this one were to end I would not give up on being ready for the next one!. My soul encompasses the whole universe and that covers a lot of people that are potential mates!.

Have faith and hope and a "knowing" that the next will present themselves soon as you are ready to receive them,

Meanwhile work on you on abilities to be forgiving and accepting of others!.!.!. this will broaden the field a bit!.

Good luck and good love!


i used to think that there's just one soulmate for each of us!. i was very interested in reincarnation and soulmates and i read quite alot of books about it, i don't remember from which book i read this from but it said that soulmates are people who meet in a particular lifetime to accomplish a specific task together and when they are done they may naturally drift away from each other!. sometimes you'll have several tasks with a soulmate and you'll have a relationship longer than with the others!.
there are times when i meet someone and i can tell that we have an instant connection, i guess soulmates can be anybody and not just love partners or something!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com