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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is fate a destine thing or do you have control?

Question: Is fate a destine thing or do you have control!?
Do you control your own fate in the future what you do, who you date, and the paths you take!? Or does it just fall into place already pre-planned and you have no control over it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Certain things fall into place (I'd like to think of them as gifts) and what we do with them is totally up to us!. In this area, we can choose, we do have control!.

I don't believe it's an absolute, clear cut black-or-white matter!. It's a balance of both!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No JC you only only have control of the choices that you make , destiny just happen and we have to settle and accept what we get from life, control it self is a feeling that we menage and from that we can make the decisions , the right and the wrong ones at time !. Who you date is part of time ,you were in a place at the right time and moment, the path that you take is from the decisions that you made, I just hope that you always take the right oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe everything in life is pre-destined, and although at times I wish that I had some control over what's happening, unfortunately I don't :( For example, we can make all these great plans about the future, but sadly, if it's not fated to be, it won't!. This is just my opinion and i know many people may not agree!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think to some extent your life is predetermined by personality, genetics, psychology, star signs, etc!.
But it is reasonably fair to say you do have SOME choice!.
Although some people would dissagree!.
So so!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com