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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there really no human satisfaction? Why?

Question: Is there really no human satisfaction!? Why!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That depends on yourself!. Since you were the one who asked, there was something there on your mind!. You seem to find the answer if there really was human satisfaction!. I want to ask you, "Are you satisfied with your life!?" Because in my case, I am already satisfied because I have known God!.

There should be human satisfaction!. But I think that would only be for the Christians all over the world!. What I mean here is that Christians should be satisfied and happy that they have known and accepted God!.

I hope there would be no one offended!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is but it's only temporary!. Like when you succeed in reaching a goal that you set for yourself, it just goes away afterwards!. The other alternative is silencing your needs by distracting yourself with your work, your religion, your social life etc!. But other than in the two previous forms I don't think I have ever seen anyone truly and eternally "satisfied"!.

Satisfaction isn't necessarily a good thing it is the dissatisfaction or emptiness that fuels us to work and do charity and try to make the world a better place!. If we were satisfied about the world it would remain in total chaos (which it already is but it would be worse)!.

Yeah (the guy below me) The Rolling Stones already answered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because its in human nature because we live in a developed world that we want everything!. we are greedy because it is hard to come across someone who REALLY only treasures the necessities!. we cant have everything and that makes us unsatisfied!. there are people who will tell you that they're satified (they may be happy) but they will always want something they dont have!. and even when we get that something we often want what we had before or we set our sights even higher!. i guess that thats just the sort of world we live in and i find it hard to see a way someone could be completely satisfied in it!. thats not to say we cant be happy accepting what we do have though

if you read about buddhism, you come to understand that all of human life consists of unsatisfactory experience!. in other words, for human beings, it's never enough!. we're never satisfied with what we have!. we always think "if only i had that car, if only i could make love to that woman, if only i had that awesome guitar, THEN i'd be happy!." but even if we acheive any of those things, in the end, they just become another part of the mundane life that never seems fulfilling!. the car, even if it's a mercedes benz, just ends up becoming your car, after awhile!. it loses it's importance!. things lose their initial shine, and by the time this occurs, we've already steered our attention towards something else that we don't have!. it's a constant cycle of dissatisfaction!.

total satisfaction, just like any other "total" state of mind, like total perfection, total happiness, total anything, are nothing more than concepts!. they're something to strive for, something that will always be just a little too far away from our reach, something to keep us motivated to keep doing better!. that's what evolution is all about!. there's no eventual limit, it just keeps going!. most people never ever find satisfaction, no matter how many riches they have, no matter how many people they sleep with, etc!. buddhism teaches you that you can forego these selfish desires, and that if one can achieve this, one reaches a profoundly gratifying and serene state of being in which one sees that the only thing that we truly need is inner happiness!. love yourself from within, and you can learn to love the world outside of you!.

that, i think, is the true path towards satisfaction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Others above me are right, humans in general are always striving for what they don't (and sometimes can't) have!. I believe you have to be highly evolved spiritually to achieve true contentment in this present life!. It shows you have learnt the issues that truly matter and you are ready to move on to the next level of existence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What does it mean to be satisfied!? If that means we're no longer curious, then we might as well be dead!.

I think there is a sort of "rationed" satisfaction we get from enjoying the journey!. But we never reach our destination, otherwise there would be no future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'cause i try and i try and i try and i try
but i can't get no
i can't get no
no no no

When i'm watchin' my tv
And that man comes on to tell me
How white my shirts can be
But he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't smoke
The same cigarettes as meWww@QuestionHome@Com

satisfaction comes infrequently in small doses!. It could be a shot of whisky or an orgasm or a win on the lottery!. We aren't meant to live a life of complete satisfaction or else we wouldn't recognise it!. It's a contrast thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on your religious/spiritual beliefs!. Some, for example, believe that God created this to be our nature so that something is always missing, and that "void" can be filled by learning about and trusting Him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think no, it's because of the materialistic things that the people are getting spoiled into!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com