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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe in fate? If so what is your definition of it?

Question: Do you believe in fate!? If so what is your definition of it!?
I believe fate is self-made through a string subconcious decisions you make based on dreams and aspirations!. What are your thoughts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've actually given this quite a bit of thought!. Alvin and Calvin Harrison, twins who became world class runners and Olympic medalists, wrote a little book in which they describe going from being essentially homeless to being recognized as world class athletes!. They say that we can not sit around waiting for life to happen to us!. Our fate is in our own hands!. We are given gifts, but what we do with those gifts determines our fate!.

When I taught, I used the book in my alternative classes!. Kids were there, generally, because they had been in some sort of trouble on the regular campus!. The idea I tried to get across to kids is that you can not always help the situation in which you find yourself, but you and only you have control over what YOU DO NEXT!.

We had a big poster on the wall that said, "Don't confuse your situation with your destination!." In other words, where you are now is not where you are destined to be!. What you do determines your destination, or if you will, your destiny!.

I have this lesson from my personal experience, as well!. How I BEHAVE can be a totally conscious choice!. When I was in junior high and early high school, I was very shy!. Few people noticed me, and fewer still knew me!. I decided that if I were going to make anything of my life, I'd have to leave the little community where I lived, and I'd better develop some skills that could take me outside that community!. I'd have to reach outside the shell of comfort I'd constructed for myself!. In high school, I took drama as an elective, tried out for the Junior Class play, and even went out for cheerleader when I was a senior!. I changed how people perceived me, not by changing who I was inside, but by changing my own behavior!. I'm still not impulsive in crowds, and I generally take a pretty low key role, but I can speak up if the situation calls for it!. My personality hasn't changed, but my behavior changes my outcomes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont believe in fate, i just think that things happen as they happen i dont think that anyone has a fate to follow or know who they become!.
things happen because of people think and what they do and how they are raised and basically determined by their brains
also things happen because of the weather that is purely chemical reactions and and molocules moving, nothing to do with fate or anything, and if things happen that seem like fate, they are just coincidences!.
that is what i beleive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The concept of fate does not imply that the choices we make do not determine its consequences or the future!. It just means that the choices themselves are determined by events that precede it!. We can choose to do whatever we want and our future will unfold accordingly!. However this does not restrict the predictability of the choices themselves!.
Fate does not even need a 'Higher being' to set our destiny!. It is simply the idea that events in the future are fundamentally on an equal footing with events in the past!. To someone with no recollection of their past, the past and the future are identical in nature!. Ultimately, it all comes down to the nature of time and partly the nature of consciousness!. Such questions won't remain in philosophy for too long!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fate can also be seen as the sum of all the given factors in life: birthplace, age, ethnicity, family income, family beliefs, genetics, etc!. All of these are powerful factors in shaping our lives!. As someone once pointed out to me, if I were born in Pakistan, it's pretty likely I'd be Muslim and statistically the chances are high that I'd be fairly poor!. Those are just two powerful forces that would shape my existence!. Not irrevocably, but significantly!. I could get educated, change my religion, and make money!. But most Pakistanis won't do those things!. The same is true for Americans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


1) We all expend time seeking the answer's(Arithmetic) that will free us!. Though we all must(fate) journey such a quest, and whether or not that freedom is realized within depends largely on whether we believe undertaking such a journey ,amid all the successes and failures of the trial-and-error process, of attempting to design a roadmap for such a quest was worth it in the end!.

2) Do I believe in Fate!? Yes, I believe I have to, in order to make and allow my life to mean something!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think fate, in a the sense of a predetermined future, does not exist!. The future does not exist yet and therefore could not have been determined!. And then, you'd need someone or something to determine it!.

While I agree that it seems that a specific set of events can only lead to a few outcomes, the possibilities are still endless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that when we are born we are all given blueprints which states basic points which will happen during your life!.
Its up to us to follow the path to which was given to us!.
Usually god and your spirit guide should help you along your journey!. however some of us loose track and dont do this!.
fate is what we feel was ment to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will attempt to answer by defining what is fate!. Fate can be define a decisive and predetermine events or final outcome of a person destiny!. What can be so decisive and that there is no escape that man will certainly fall exactly where is predetermine to be!. What possible force of concept is it that it offer NO ESCAPE!. The answer is the True NATURE OF MAN!.
The concept of the true nature of man is so powerful that man will react exactly as it is expected!.

A very good example is our a pet cat!. Let us know what is the nature of a cat!. No matter how domesticated the pet is by nature he or she is a predator!. It will hunt even it is well fed!. It will ultimately hunt, may not eat but the same it hunt!. It is their very nature and it is their fate to hunt that it doesn’t even need the passion of hunger!.

We must know therefore our true nature!. What is the true nature of man!? The true nature man is the insatiable pursuit of WHAT IS Good FOR HIM!. Then therefore man doom to be good and where does free will got to do with all of this!.!.!.Free Will really mean!.!. Free to be really what we ARE!.!.FREE TO BE GOOD!.

The deviation lies in the interpretation of Good!. The real battle is in the spirit!.!. The evil spirit will continue to lure or deceive man from what is really good for him!.

The fate of man is to pursue what is good for him but in the judgment day!. GOD will separate the goat, seemingly sheep, from the herd of SHEEP!.

All of us have a common fate!. We pursue what is seemingly Good for us!. JUST MAKE SURE WHAT SEEMINGLY GOOD IS REALLY GOOD !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fate is just something that some cultures like to put emphasis on to force people to do horrible things!. The only fate we have is to die!. We determine our future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I use to but I have grown up!. I now know you make your own fate!. For instance if I were to divorce my husband (a good and loving man) I have changed my fate for the worse!.!.!.!.!.!.do you see what I am saying!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

in my opinion, fate are predetermined events or consequences which are inevitably and highly likely to happen in our lives!. But i also believe we can alter such fate by utilizing our free-will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we have the capacity to change our course if we consciously decide to shift our sail!. Where we ended up is a choice consciously made or otherwise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fate is what's left after all the possibilities become manifested info facts one cannot change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is to be Will be,,,,Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is not the answer that I prepared over a period of time in response of many questions about the concepts of destiny and fate!. It is a little longer the normal but I hope you might find something useful in this, so here it is:

If there is a power that can predetermine all the happenings of things, or our doing of all the things in or lives, then that power is an absolute will in the world, that there is nothing else, beyond, or aside than, but that power reigning as goodness in the world!.

The question however is: If there is such predetermination of all things in existence then is that against our freewill!? We are supposed to have our free will to be individuals!. We must have an independent ability to choose between right and wrong, good and bad to be human!. But if everything is predestined than what is purpose, or the meaning of having freewill, being human being, learning ever so more better ways of doing things, to take pride, or even consolation, in us being individual selves!?

I understand that it is quite easy for us to imagine the existence of fate as though it were some preset schedule of work at office, or an action plan for some comprehensible enterprise of ours in our normal life!. This are the instance of life where it is possible for us to deviate from fixed routines, agendas and set courses of action at a certain cost, but without out detrimental harm to our being!. The point is that this is possible!. But if there is fate in existence then such deviations are quite out of question!. Then it would not be possible for any of us to digress or deviate!.

I do not think the concept of fate exists like this, entirely against our will!. I think if there is fate then that fate is the name of goodness itself, and fate exists to offer us a choice of reasonable action within the goodness!.

What, for instance, would be goodness otherwise, or evil for that matte, how could they exist if not through contrasting courses of actions in our lives!? I believe both good and evil exist as two separate logical constructions of certain actions!. They have their own causes and their separate effects!. Both good and evil formulate their own separate and contrasting fates, or courses of action running parallel, often intertwined, for our choose whatever we may!.

This therefore is our purpose in life that we need to find our divine fate, and through that know what is evil!. We need to use of freewill to choose not if to act or not but choose what way to act, good or bad!. It is possible for us to live outside the divine fate, in evil fate, so to speak, or as often is the case to stay oscillating between good and evil!.

If there is goodness is in existence then fate is the way of Almighty God to ordinate it in this world, as its only way to exit in this world of specific causes for their specific effects; that if there is divine fate and then there is also the fate of evil!. Both have their own separate beginnings, and their own logical ends, and that in our lives the course of goodness often runs intertwined with the course of evil!.

The purpose of freewill therefore is not to allow us to be able to opt completely out of binding reasons of our action, logical constructions of events, and laws of a physical world, but the purpose is to search for our original and divine fate, or goodness, of the will of God, and when with that knowledge, to act according to the best in our ability, to do either good or, if I may say so just for the sake of the argument, bad in this world!.

This is only logical in the mind that we cannot escape altogether from the material confinements of our physical existence!. We cannot be what we most simply are not!. Our freewill, therefore, is not purposed for us to attempt us to do just that, but to see what is good and what is bad for us, what is moral and what is immoral, what is fair and what is unfair, what is just and what is unjust, so that we may become more of what we originally are: Free within our own essential goodness!Www@QuestionHome@Com