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Question: I need a defination and explanation of MAN!.!.!.!?
I need a defination and explanation of MAN!.!.!.!? But not a usual explanation!.!. Something deep in meaning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here is a defination and explanation of Man from the risale-i nur books which are commentary on Quran!.

is the final and most comprehensive fruit of the tree of the universe!.!.
and in respect of the Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) Reality is its original seed!.!.
and the supreme sign of the Qur’an of the universe!.!.
and he is its Throne Verse bearing the Greatest Name!.!.
and the most honoured guest in the palace of the universe!.!.
the most active functionary empowered over the other inhabitants of the palace!.!.
the official charged with overseeing the income and expenditure,
and the planting and cultivation of the gardens in the quarter of the earth in the city of the universe!.!.
and is its most noisy and responsible minister,
equipped with hundreds of sciences and thousands of arts!.!.
and an inspector and sort of vicegerent of the Monarch of Pre-Eternity and Post-Eternity,
under His close scrutiny, in the region of the earth in the country of the universe!.!.
and one with disposal over it whose actions, particular and universal, are all recorded!.!.
who has undertaken the Supreme Trust, from which the heavens and earth and mountains shrank!.!.
and before whom are two roads, on one of which he is the most wretched of living beings, and on the other, the most fortunate!.!.
and he is a universal bondsman charged with most extensive worship!.!. the place of manifestation of the Greatest Name of the Monarch of the universe and a comprehensive mirror of all His Names!.!.
a special addressee of His, with the best understanding of His Divine addresses and speech!.!.
the most needy of the living beings of the universe!.!.
and is a wretched living creature who has innumerable desires and goals, numberless enemies and things that harm him, despite his infinite poverty and impotence!.!.
is the richest in regard to abilities and potentialities!.!.
the most suffering in respect of the pleasures of life, whose enjoyment is marred by ghastly pains!.!.
and a wondrous miracle of the power of the Eternally Besought One and marvel of Divine power who is the most needy and wanting, and worthy and deserving of immortality,
and seeks and beseeches eternal happiness with endless prayers,
and if all the pleasures of this world were given him, his desire for immortality would not be satisfied,
and who loves to the degree of worshipping Him the One Who bestows bounties on him, and makes Him loved and is loved!.!.
and all of whose faculties, which encompass the universe, testify that he was created to go to eternity!.!.
and through the above twenty universal truths is bound to Almighty God’s Name of Truth;
and whose actions are continuously recorded by the All-Glorious Preserver’s Name of Preserver, Who sees the most insignificant need of the tiniest animate being, hears it plaint and responds in action; and being related to the whole universe whose deeds are written down by the “noble scribes” of that Name and who more than anything else receives its attention!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Man is a paradox: he eats when he is not necessarily hungry, often mates without the desire to produce offspring, toils to earn a useless object that he can trade for things he wants but never has the time to enjoy them because he is too busy toiling, is greedy and selfish while at the same time capable of deep and profound generosity, and is at the same time the most violent, evil, contemptuous being!.!.!. and the most capable of great heroism and beauty!.

Man creates great works of art, and tears them down!. Man argues with itself constantly but still has accomplished much throughout history!. Man rends and tears and rapes and burns, man also heals and nurtures and protects and provides!. Man is mortal, but man has breached the Life barrier to touch objects beyond the sky!. Man is simultaniously the hero of fairytales, but also the least powerful and most vulnerable of all great myths!. It is man that God and Satan fight over, but it is Man that is at their mercy!. Man is weak of flesh, hairless, with skin weak against the rays of the sun!.!.!. but man has reached the bottoms of the oceans, the reaches of the skys, the tops of the mountains, the deepest parts of the earth!. Man is weak and prey to disease, but it is Man alone that has adapted to conquer disease!.

Man is neither good nor evil in nature, neither selfish nor generous, for he is Man, and there is no like to him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How this: two feets, two arms!. two hands and a head, all connected to a torso!. Brain inside his/her head!. Quite intelligent and skillful in science, work and creativity!. Who evolved from hunting animals to computers and space travel!. Created incredible masterpieces of arts, like Michelangelo [Renaissance artist, not some dumb tv turtle] Yet, also evil and destructive, while exceptions abound!. Started with a stone spear, and evolved to the 50 megaton hydrogen bomb that can destroy New York City, Los Angeles, London and Paris in minutes!. And expert in mass murder!. There is a museum in Washington about one of them!. also hypocrite and liar!. And full of ego!. A creature who deserves total scorn, pity and laugh!. Yet quite frightening for his/her dark side!. And I happen to be one of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My area of specialty is defining MAN because I am not one and have been studying man for as long as man has been!. Man is a hybrid being spliced genetically by mans' "gods" Eons ago as servant for those gods!. These gods "Anunnaki" observed the especially compassionate Homo Erectus and genetically modifed its DNA with that of its own creating The Homo Sapien!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find this definition powerful and with great implications!. "Man is the supreme Talisman!.!.!.a mine rich in gems of inestimable value!. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom!."

From the writings of Baha''u'llahWww@QuestionHome@Com

You should read Alexander Pope's An Essay On Man!. It's much too long to post here, and to paraphrase would be a gross oversimplification!.Www@QuestionHome@Com