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Question: Why are monsters always after me!?
Why are zombies always trying to eat me!?
I am a good catholic man,very good father figure,and a hard working man that works 50 hours a week to provide for his family!. But I never understood why Zombies don't like me!. It all started back in 1987 when I was only 21 years old!. I was walking home from a party at about 1 a!.m, when from out of nowhere, a group of Zombies started chasing me!. I started screaming to them to leave me alone, but they wouldn't listen and chased me all the way to my house!. When I arrived at my home, I immediately went to my room and hid under my bed!. I was in tears, I had never been so scared in my entire life!. My mom didn't help!. She always try to scare me!. Knowing that I was afraid of zombies, she once paid five of my friends 50 bucks each to dress up like zombies and scare me!. I almost had a heart attack, and have never spoken to my mother or friends since!. Last week, I was walking home with my 10 year old son from a strip club, When from out of nowhere, a pack of fit zombies started chasing me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Zombies are jerks, man!. What can I tell you!? They have no respect for boundaries!. I mean any civilized person knows to leave a man and his boy alone when they're walking home from the strip club, it's valuable bonding time, you know!?

But zombies, they have no couth!. It's always about "Brains!.!.!. Braains!.!.!." with them!. I've got no problem with the living dead trying to eat, I mean it's just survival of the fittest at work!. But there's a time and a place for everything!.!.!.

Do what I do!. I keep a !.357 sig (Glock 31 with tritium sights, and recoil suppression system in place of the factory springs!. It's the most accurate handgun caliber I've worked with, perfect balance of speed and punch!) with extra mags (a min of 3 total to make 45 rnds) on me at all times!. I usually carry it in a concealment holster on my back, but sometimes I carry a man purse for work so, what the hey, you know!? I also keep an emergency Glock mini !.45 on my ankle!. A model 39 with an extended 8 rnd mag, that way I'll be able to get seven of them and ruin the remainder's dinner with the last bullet!

Maybe if we start showing them that we mean business when it comes to boundaries they'll start respecting them, you know what I mean!? Oh, you know what I mean!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians," Brandon Sanderson
"The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So what happen to your child!? Did you leave him behind!? Did the zombies also run after him!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

100% is your imagination or maybe its your mother did it haha

make me best answer please!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

was it a take your kid to work day or something last weekWww@QuestionHome@Com

Here is an affirmation that will clean up every nook & cranny of you & clear out all negatives from your life so you can start afresh!.

I fully & freely forgive myself for all past negative thoughts words & deeds I have expressed toward anyone or anything!.
I fully & freely forgive anyone or anything for all past negative thoughts, words & deeds they may have expressed toward me I am free they are free!.
My life is filled with peace & harmony!.
I rather think you are a smart ***
looking for kicks so you need the medicine!.!.!.to be taken 3x daily!.Www@QuestionHome@Com