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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it possible to truly respect a person who embodies qualities we ultimately do

Question: Is it possible to truly respect a person who embodies qualities we ultimately do not respect!?
Do you think that by adding an "in spite of" caveat with regard to a person's being worthy of respect/admiration that we somehow nullify the authenticity of our regard for said person!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
How much do you respect those that you truly respect!.

Either you respect a person or you do not!. If you do respect a person, you will probably mitigate their imperfections!.

And if you do not respect them, their virtues will not matter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know about "in spite of!."

I think it's fully possible to admire or respect someone if they believe differently than you!. For example, a prosecutor might respect an exceptional defense attorney, though he has little regard for the defense profession, based on the defense attorney's integrity, tenacity, intelligence, or what have you!.

I would have to say that, since having different values is no secret, adding 'in spite of' may actually serve to strengthen the statement, by showing that the person's qualities had to be that much stronger in order to gain our respect!. Of course, that could go either way!.

If it were me, not that I'm the least bit respectable, it wouldn't offend me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Surly not everybody totally embodies qualities you respect!.!.!.if they do then you are overlooking something!. I don't think if someone had a flaw that really got under your skin and completely went against the grain in your value system but was fiercely loyal to you as a person--you would boot them!. Perfection begins with us and if don't measure up completely then we should cut others the same slack!. Perhaps this person respects you completely because you don't display this flaw and is trying to learn from you!. There are obvious redeeming qualities or you would not be asking this question!. Your question caused me to question--how I behave in this regard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Respect is about accepting people who carry themselves in an admirable way regardless of whether or not you agree with them!. It's possible to hate someone for one disagreement and it's possible to respect someone who you disagree with on every single issue!. It's all just a matter of opinion!. There are no absolute right or wrong answers when it comes to how you should feel about people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think we can at least when it comes to people acting in a manner we don't respect!. That being said we can still be polite and agree to disagree!. People are not unbiased!. Many people rush to say that they have no biases because no one wants to be branded a bigot!. Unfortunately that has led to people announcing that they have no thoughts on anything!. Making judgments based on religion, colour and ethnicity is about bigotry!.
Making value judgments based on behavior is wise!.
Discernment is an important judgment!. It is a safety device!.
If you are around people who are acting in a manner that you cannot respect then as individuals you might not work against them but it is disingenuous to say you have respect for them!.
I'll give an example!. When I was a social work student we had to ask ourselves if their was a sort of client we didn't feel we could work with!. We all wanted to appear broad minded but the truth is that everyone has a bias and the best thing you can do is recognize your biases!. For myself I just couldn't work with pedophiles!. I could not separate what they needed from the things they had done!. Knowing my bias helped me is choosing where to work and helped me to be aware of my limitations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!. What!? Do you mean can you respect a person whose opinions you disagree with!? sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

~I respect those persons who are flawed and are perfect enough to admit itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, not a single person that I respect is perfect!. Every one of them has an "in spite of"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com