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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which do you prefer: the familiar, or the unknown? And why?

Question: Which do you prefer: the familiar, or the unknown!? And why!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
By definition "the unknown" is well ------not known!. How or why would anyone say they prefer what they do not know over what they do know!. I suspect what people really want is for the unknown to become known!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course I think that a mix of familiarity and the unknown would be ideal, but the keyword in your question is 'OR' and 'WHY' I believe!.

The familiar:
Boring!. No challenge!. Regurgitation of knowledge!. (Superficial) Knowledge of everything, thus no desire for inquiry!. Realization of the purposelessness of life!. Gradual mental decline!.

Why: Comfort
Why not: Becoming a couch potato

The unknown:
Exciting!. Challenging!. Ascension, self-discovery!. Amassing a wealth of fresh knowledge!. Forgetting the familiar!. Realization that there is too much knowledge!. Questioning of ones motivations or the purpose of existence!. Being ruled by fear and wonder!. Amassed knowledge becomes familiar!.

Why: Excitement
Why not: Dangerous

Blue pill or red pill!? Based on how you worded your question there is no clear distinction, meaning I can go back any time I like!. Of course once it becomes a routine, there is nothing more to live for in a way, but who dares wins, right!?

In that case I think I'd give the red pill a go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I prefer both!. They are like yin and yang without both life would be boring!. the unknown spices up our lives and the familiar makes everything stable!. I like stability, but I also like challanges!. It keeps my mind constantly thinking and solving what ever comes my way!. Do not fear the unknown, because that is what makes us stronger in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, i wouldn't mind the unknown though i prefer the familiar!.

With the familiar, its easier to deal with, its time saving and you are the master of the game!.
But with unknown, its quit trick, takes a long time,you have to learn each and every step taken to avoid disappointment or going wrong and not achieving your goal!.
That is why i prefer the familiar!.I have got the chance to perfect my actions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do have to admit!. I am afraid of the unknown!. It does scare me!. However I seek it!. As one whom bares light would!. But!. How can I seek knowledge or more wisdom with things I already know!. As for truth!?! I will forever prefer!. As you say "prefer"!? I will always seek in the familiar and the unknown for truth!. For I am the bearer of light, wisdom and knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

really!? the familar!? how much do youreally know about the familar!?
sure the word tells you that it is instinct or that you just do know it!. but do you actually know everything about it!?

everything is unknownWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Vet has a great point I agree with his philosophy! The unfamiliar can be exciting because it's new and your learning, getting to know it, and your doing something!.!.Not that your not doing something with the familiar it's just not as challenging I suppose!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The familiar for it's comfort and the unknown for it's anticipated excitement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm an unknown fan!. Primarily because I get uncomfortable when things bcome too familiar!. It makes me feel like I'm not doing anything!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The unknown!. I like trying to figure it out and understand it plus it's feel so good to enjoy something thats not the same as everything else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The familiar is beneficiary towards establishing friendship!. Unknown is mankind's pursuit of himself; I enjoy both =)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In all honesty, I have to say, you do not get to prefer either one!.
Every day of your life, you will face them both!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe in having both!. We need a little good and a little bad in everything for realistic balance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The unknown is the bestWww@QuestionHome@Com