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Question: Are you an INDIVIDUAL!?
How are you different from the rest of us!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i wouldn't be individual if i said why i was individual!. and i wouldn't be unique because, remember, you're unique just like everyone else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

DNA states that I am a unique individual!. In all accounts there are no two of me!. Now are there people with similar view points yes!. Probably as many as there are who have different views!. There are no two people in the world identical to each other in any form, physical, emotional, intellectual etc!.!.!.Thank goodness!.!.!.

Difference are based on so many attributes to a persons reality!.!.such as religious, physical, emotional, intellectual, environmental, financial, social background etc!.!. pick one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, in order for you or anyone else to be exactly like me in every aspect you would not only have to think the exact way I think but you would also have to breathe the same exact air I do which means you would have to be inside and ontop of me every second of you life, your heart would need to beat the exact way mine does every second and it would have to push and pull the blood exactly the same distance as mine, therefore you would also have to grow up in the same environment and you would have to take every step the same as me at the exact same time as me!. This is pretty much impossible and yet there is also an infinite number of me in one place at one time doing the exact same thing I am doing!.!.!. how could you tell if there was or wasn't!? For the second I died the rest of me would die too and fall in the exact same place and excact same position as me, there blood would stop the exact same and everything!. That pretty much sums it up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's two different ways to think about this:
The Scientific Way
The Philosophic Way

The Scientific Way:
Technically speaking, the way we are all different is our genetic makeup!. Everyone has their own DNA, and those DNA are made of chromosomes!.
A simple example of chromosomes are the X and Y chromosomes which decide if we're a girl or a boy!. Girls have two X chromosomes, while boys have an X and a Y!.
Both parents have a 50% chance to pass you one of their two chromosomes, a mother will always pass an X, so it's basically up to the father if he passes on an X or a Y!. Passing an X will make a girl, passing a Y will make a boy!.
This system works the same way for almost every single feature of your body!. Hair color has chromosomes, eye color has chromosomes, even the ability to curl your tongue has different chromosomes!
Thinking about it this way, it is definitely possible too have two people exactly the same!. You simply need the same DNA, made up of the same chromosomes!.

The Philosophic Way:
Everyone of us is different!. The way we do things is different, our personalities are different, our body features are different!. No matter how similar two people may be, there is always going to be something different about them!.
Not even identical twins are the same; one of them may enjoy a certain sport!. While the other likes another sport!. We're all different in some way!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I am!. I'm an individual and I work for God! I pray, everyday, that more of us will surface and that we would multiply and fill the world! Just maybe we could save this weary old place in which we live!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you don't get to know me, I might never be special but another person who steals your breath!.

Everyone is individual and special on their own sense, you just need to get to know them to find out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

individual means cannot be divided!. yes, i am whole, not separated, just like anyone else!. and i am absolutely one with all!. only the surface differs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everyone is an individual! everyone is different!.!. mannerisms,personality!.likes dislikes,feelings!.!.!.!. no 2 people are alike!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am at times, but, sometimes i need someone to lean on to help me get through certain things in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone is an individual - or at least I think we are!.
Unless we get to meet everyone we'll never know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course!. To find out my differences, you would have to spend time w/ me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com