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Question: Philosophy=morals/ethics question 10 pts!?
how can i go about saying that taking steroids in baseball is unethical!. im being serious though, please only give real answers!. thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are many facets to steroids being unethical!.

1) Steroids are against the law and as argued by Plato, one is obligated to follow well formed laws of your state!. To break laws without good reason is immoral and there is no reason to think steroids being illegal is an illformed law!.

2) As the previous answer mentioned, fairness and equality are properties to be respected in morality!. Some players cheating and doing steroids, when others obey the rules, cause inequality!.

3) Steroids cause physical damage!. Since ball players influence younger people, they influencing young people to take substances that do them harm!. Although it is minimal influence, influencing someone to do harmful things could be seen as immoral!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a simple matter of harm done!.
1!. Given: Steroids are harmful the individual over time!.
2!. By gaining temporary advantage in their use,
one induces others in a competitive environment
to use them!.
3!. Therefore the use of steroids is not only a sacrifice
of personal well being for a goal, (Possibly acceptable),
but harms others (not acceptable)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a process whereby sports are subject to administrative changes, such as drug testing!. It is short-sighted to look back when there was lax enforcement and blame the athletes, while giving the screwed-up or indifferent system a free pass!.

I would say that, today with all the attention, steroid-takers should and will be dealt with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ethics refers to well based standards of right and wrong prescribing what we should do and our rights and obligations, including fairness!. To allow steroid use in baseball removes fairness and therefor makes it's use unethical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Steriods are not "un-fair" as players can get them when ever!. (my opinion of corse) but the sports assotiations, NBA, NFL, NHL,etc!. does not approve!. as the drugs are deemed
(un-healthy and self destructive) I say do what you want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com