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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why am i surrendering to anger?

Question: Why am i surrendering to anger!?
a few things are troubling me but there's always going to be something to worry about!. my question is why now am i constantly annoyed and easy to anger!. i'm not usually like this!. i'm too young for menopause and pms can't last for weeks!. what is wrong with me!?

does anyone else ever have inexplicable anger!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Surrendering to anger is an artificial construct that we in todays' culture try to tell each other - you don't surrender to anger anymore than you surrender to needing to pee!. If you have anger, then you have anger! We're not wise enough and certainly not powerful enough to pick and choose which emotions we "should" have - if we have them, we have them!

All we can do is choose how to deal with them!. In your case, apparently something keeps lighting your fuse!. So, look around in your life for what might be irritating you all the time - might be something you'd rather it wasn't !.!.!. like a defective spouse !.!.!. sorry to say - or something else equally inconvenient!.

As to expressing the anger, nothing beats a good friend who will listen when you vent and really listen, not do the crossword while you talk to yourself!.

Sorry you're full of anger - it happens to most people for periods in our lives - it's the signal that something's fuct in our lives - like pain in our bodies - just try to figure out what's causing it!.

Trying to suppress it is doomed!. The only possible outcomes to that are failure or success and mental illness!. Bleh on either!.

Good luck!. Keep heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

anger, like all the other emotional states, is produced by a reaction of a combination of chemicals in your brain!. the individual becomes addicted to certain emotional states when they are subjected to them on a constant basis!. if you let yourself get all pissed off and throw stuff and scream, chances are that each time you get that angry, you'll get a LITTLE more pissed than last time, and the results can be pretty!.!.!.extreme!. the same goes for the other emotions, as you can imagine: some people get addicted to being sad, some get addicted to love, some get addicted to happiness, some get addicted to ALL of them!. the sensations that those chemical reactions produce are undeniable and have almost total control over the human brain!.

but then again, the only one in control of your mind is YOU!.

that being said, one is completely capable of foregoing those emotional addictions, by will alone!. if you make the conscious effort to not get so angry, little by little you can find ways to let it go!. i used to get pissed off all the time about everything!. but if you catch yourself before getting that angry, you can seriously very easily discard such foolishness!.

try it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say it is frustration from the feeling of lack of control!.

The mind is busy with lots of troubling thoughts & you need to slow them down & take control of what you let in or you will undermine yourself badly & get sick!.
I like this affirmation because it digs out suff you dont know exists

I fully & freely forgive myself for all past negative thoughts words & deeds I have expressed toward anyone or anything!.
I fully & freely forgive anyone or anything for all past negative thoughts, words & deeds they may have expressed toward me I am free they are free!.
My life is filled with glowing health, flowing wealth & many opportunities!.
(Medicine to be taken 3x daily lol)
& when you go to bed smile (With your eyes also)
You'll find you are surprised cause you havent done this much lately!.
Try seeing the mind as a garden
& thoughts as seeds!. Food plant seeds!.!.!.!.& weeds that choke out your food!. Start weeding!. Write out your problem, this has no power to harm you!.
Bless means to `think good of` so tell each problem (or bill) you bless it for the power of good flowing in it through & for it, I let you go so you can be cured!.

If you dont want something let it go!.
Now watch as you find your lovely self!.!.!. & can like you again & note the strength pour into you!.
When you slip back tap your hand & say!.!.!."back to the drawing board" & start again!.
All the best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do know why you are annoyed and angry, there are many people who can not manage their feelings and express anger before anything else!.
You have to develop a way to handle your emotions, and you can read a lot on internet about this problem!.
Good luck to you, good for you that you pay attention to yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do!. I've had the same question 2 days ago!. You can check my questions box!. You're surrendering to anger because it's the easiest thing to do!. You're exhausted, tired of trying or giving too much!. You might have been swallowing you're anger for quite some time, you cannot hold it inside anymore!. You need to rest to find a way out of this!. You need to express this anger in a healthy way without hurting anyone and especially yourself!. Here are some suggestions!.
1!.Hit the pillows
2!.Scream at the mirror
3!.Dig a hole in your garden(physical exercise)
4!.Write an angry letter till your anger vanishes and then burn it
5!.Don't judge yourself
6!.Go on a trip
7!.Take your timeWww@QuestionHome@Com

And maybe lke what happens to a lot of people, you could be becoming frustrated at the inabiltiy to resolve those problems!.
Even a constant drip drip of water can irritate an otherwise sane person!. Some things do get old!.
A sports analogy would be when we become conditioned to something!. Such as when something does not go well, we have a tendency to say "here we go again"!. A mind set from previous experiences with a similar situation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

overall level of dissatisfaction is high!?
low level depression can manifest this way!.
stress level high!?
overworked!? underpaid!?
repression of emotions


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ur getting short tempered
or u a letting ur feeling control u more dan dey should

try to calm down n stress lessWww@QuestionHome@Com