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Position:Home>Philosophy> What would the world be like if it is peaceful?

Question: What would the world be like if it is peaceful!?
I don't think that will ever happens, but if it will; what would it be like!? Will we just get bored with loves!? Will we go back to fighting again!? You know, a good relationship involve some fighting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It would be severely underpopulated!. As Albert like to say, "I don't know what they'll fight WW III with, but they'll fight WW IV with sticks and stones"!. Peace usually means the silence of the grave!. The irony of it, is that the old saw -If you want peace prepare for war- could entirely be correct!. Sad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you consider the animal world peaceful (even though predators prey on browsers they don't fight wars) then most of the world is peaceful!. We humans who make up only a small part of the animal bio-mass have our wars but again most of the human world is peaceful!. We are just constantly exposed, by the news media, to those few brothers who persist in settling things with violence!. Violence makes headlines, good deeds, which are the norm, seldom do!. Again the constant exposure to fictional violence on TV and in films makes it appear that their is a lot of violence and I believe makes for a violence oriented people!.

Consider the dinosaurs who reigned supreme on earth for over 150 million years, the T-Rex's preying on baby brontosauruses, and were only ended by a natural accident (asteroid!?)!. Peace reigned supreme if you agree to consider the animal world peaceful!. If we got rid of war the world might be like that and human life last a while!.

If you are constantly exposed to and persist in thinking about violence the world will be, to you, a violent place!.TURN OFF THE TV!

Good luck in ending war, good mental health, peace and Love!!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We won't go hungry, our taxes will never have to be spent on prisons and prisoners!. Companies like "Yale" lock and keys would be downsized to a few workers on the factory floor and locksmiths would go out of business!. You would be able to walk home alone at three in the morning without fear of rape or mugging!. Wars machines would be mothballed and as a result a vast number of inventive means of transportation would be lost to us, but who the hell is going to care about that!? Poverty would be non existent and incest would be a dirty word and not something that actually happens!. Road rage would mean that you're really ticked off with the condition of the potholes in the streets and that would be as far as it goes!. The kids wouldn't be running away from home!. The pimps would go the way of the dinosaur, and the pharmaceutical companies would lose billions upon billions of dollars till there were only one or two of them left in the whole wide world!. Obesity would melt away from every culture in all the lands, and the lions would lay down with the lambs!.
Those are some of the things you can look forward to in a peaceful world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

here's my opinion!.
i can honestly almost garuntee that it will never happen!. i mean, we're human, so there is always gonna be some flaws in the world and in life, nothing is gonna be perfect EVER!. so i think its almost impossible for there to be complete peace!.
but if some miracle just happened to take place and there was peace, i think it would suck because if everthing was peaceful and there weren't any problems, than what's the point if there's no challenge!?
i'm sure just about everyone will disagree with me, but that's just how i feel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happier I'm started to say bored but I'm sure there will be plenty to do to keep us out of trouble,When less killing is done even for food,were the world would finally witness faithfulness,friendship,all the things that this world takes for granted will be respected and enjoyed!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Blessings YahooWww@QuestionHome@Com

Like everyone else has said, it can't happen!. but not only for the sole reason that we're human and conflict is in our nature, but because without conflict, peace wouldn't exist!. just as there's be no such thing as day if you couldn't compare it to night!.

with some things you just have to find a balance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is in the nature of being alive to fight for dominance!. We see it in the most basic of life, and in the human soul, deep in the core, whether one would care to admit it or not, we need violence in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rubbish!. Violence is not the core of humans at all!.
Before we created verbal communication which provided humans with their first opportunity to hide truth, `INTENT' behind words (LIES) there was no opportunity to resort to violence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as long as we-re human theres always going to be war of some kind

until we "evolve" (literal or not) its going to be like thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

As long as it's peaceful it's okay
I don't want it to turn out perfectWww@QuestionHome@Com


It would kick ***!. We would have money to buy cool junk instead of financing endless wars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com