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Position:Home>Philosophy> If time travel was possible, wouldn't we have tourists from the future visit

Question: If time travel was possible, wouldn't we have tourists from the future visiting us!?
I have another question!. In the episode of Phil of the Future where he meets his relative and has to stay away from him because if he messes with his life Phil and his family might never be born, shouldn't he have not worried, because if he had been born wouldn't that mean that in the past his relative had already met him and just!.!.!.!.!. this is too hard to explain!. If you know what I mean answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, unless you can only travel forward!.

There's a great book about time travel--"Kindred" by Octavia Butler!. The main character--a 20 century black woman--is summoned back in time by one of her ancestors--a white slave owner--to help him!.!.!.I'll let you read the book to find out what happens next!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've heard that, in theory, in order to travel back in time with a time machine, there would have to be a receiving time machine in the past to recognize and receive the traveller!. I haven't studied this thoroughly, but the idea makes sense to me!.

There hasn't been a receiving time machine invented yet (as far as we know), so no one has been able to travel back yet, and no one will be able to travel back further than the invention of the first receiving machine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yea I love that show too!. But your right, in the past his relative should have already met him!. Einstein debunked time travel by saying, what if you invented the time machine, went back in time, accidentally landed on your parents!? Then you would have never invented the time machine! It's a time paradox!. But!.!.!. I love any sci fi time traveling seriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

"Watch Your Dreams," Colton;
"The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet;

Ahh of course
Being smart enough they know
by visiting us it could change the future for them
and for us

uhmm!.!.maybe!.!.because they might not have gone to other places becuase of limited time, LOL!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not if we are the future !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it wasn't possible how would we be able to think of it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

^-^ lol!.!.!.!.of course!.!.!.!.if you invent one, count me in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

true, this goes to a description of time being like a river flowing always in one direction no matter what and that everything that happens is meant to happen!. Of course time may be like a storm on the river too, jagged, running in many directions, always being manipulated!.

This is too hard to describe really since we wouldn't know what would happen!. Like if I was to go to past and kill myself would it really kill me since I would be alive in said time and just take my own place!.

I also remember a scene from!.!.!. yes Harry Potter where they went back in time and when they finally came back they glimpsed themselves just leaving almost like a cycle, as they came back they left and as they left they came back in the same instant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let me give you a philosophical response to your question (rather than the traditional scientific ones - time travel is impossible via Einstein and general relativity, etc!.)!. As far as I know, this was first proposed by C!. S!. Lewis, not traditionally someone one would think of in topics of time travel, but stay with me!. It goes something like this:
Given that there is a finite amount of matter in the universe!.
Given that Matter can neither be created nor destroyed (not considering deities in this equation)!.
Given that amounts of matter cannot occupy the same place at the same time!.
Given that a single particle matter cannot occupy two places at the same time!.
With those principles established, say you want to zip back to the past and see some brontosauruses!. You have in your body a given amount of matter that composes it!. Your body materials no matter what it may feel like, has never, in the history of the universe been destroyed or specifically created just for you!. When you die, your body matter will dissipate and return to the earth where the minerals, molecules, and atoms that composed your body will be used by other animals, plants, and other life!. This process has occured for millions of millenia since the birth of the universe!.
Now what am I getting at!?
Just this: If you go back in time, the materials that compose your body matter would be occupying a different place in the universe!. So, how would you solve that discrepancy!? A particle of matter cannot occupy two places at the same time!. In other words, somewhere in my body at this moment there is a finite amount of zinc!. I know my body did not create that zinc by itself, spontaneously!. Even if it were created in my body, it would be with materials already exisitng in the universe!. So, If I go back in time, where would those zinc particles be!? Not in my body, that's for sure, obviously because I hadn't been created yet!.
Do you see the problem!? Like I said, its not necessarily scientific but it certainly makes sense and creates a problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com