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Position:Home>Philosophy> is a really nicegirl who gives GREAT advice. Can i really tru

Question: Samadvice@live!.com is a really nicegirl who gives GREAT advice!. Can i really trust her!?
she is really nice!. All of my friends trust her!.!.!.i guess i could!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you should do what you think is right, just if you never met this person I would just be careful because although people trust her and shes nice, it could just be all fake and just performed by the person, you cant be absolutely positive!. I would give her information that is necessary but anything too personal or your not comfortable in giving, you should not give her!. Just be safe and aware and if all is okay then I would say you have a new friend you can trust!. Good luck!. Hope I helped =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Advice isn't given for you to follow implicitly!. You need to weigh out the situation in your mind!. You are the only one who really knows the particulars of a situation!. When you ask others for their advice, they are going to tell you how they feel about the situation!. Some will offer good advice, others will offer horrible advice!. No one can give great advice all the time, and some people love to offer advice even though they are totally unfamiliar with a situation!.
So, to answer your question, always take advice from others with a grain of salt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your prior statement proves you trust and think highly of her!. So rather than seeming a legitimate question it feels more like a plug advertisement for people to ask that particular individual for advice!. Leading one to think that it's either you who'll benefit from that - it being what you want - or somehow you'll be benefitted through people using the service whether monetary payment etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

give her your p!.i!.n!. if no money goes awry, then you can trust her!.-blureyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Stick to your gut about people!Www@QuestionHome@Com