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Position:Home>Philosophy> What has made life worth living for you so far?

Question: What has made life worth living for you so far!?
Something beautiful, something full of grace, someone you have loved or admired, perhaps a philosophy you have lived by!? Anything that might give insight to other readers as to how to view the value of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Being 87 i have seen many changes and it is hard to isolate one thing, but now for the last 20years it has been watching very young children grow into adulthood!. Seeing how they turn out, and trying to assess what influence their parents had upon them, and of course the schooling!.
Then wondering what the future will hold!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is a journey with different phases, each phase has it's pro's and con's, good things and bad things!. He who has lost sight alone will know the value of eyes i!.e; you will know what's most valuable in life when you loose it!. Instead if one can spare some time for self introspection, it would be clearly visible what's more important for them before loosing out the thing that they value the most!.
Life would be worth living when we live our values in spite of all the odds, it's in our hands how we make the best of our lives, by making each day special for ourself and for those around us!. Start each day with full of energy, hope and belief that the day is going to be the most beautiful day in your life and it will turn out to be right most of the times than you expected!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hated life for years, because of the pain in the world, and the pain I felt from it, until one day I found God and God taught me to be forgiving and to see life as it truly is, we have such beauty to admire, within this world!. If we can try and see beyond everyday life and all the chores that come with it, then we will discover there is alot for us all to enjoy and appreciate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything in my life makes it worth living, good or bad!. The bad things I put down to experience and use to become a stronger and better person and the good stuff keeps me smiling!. I guess the very best things in my life so far are my Fiance, my Mum, and all the happy memories I have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't judge what is just a deeper dream!. I surrender to the unity of life and love!. We are all perfectly aligned with Love and nothing else is real!. We are the instruments of that Love!. It plays through us but doesn't come from us!. This is where, in this understanding, in this unity, that we do not have Life but Life has us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My gf and her daughter!. I love them both!. I wouldn't change them for the world!. My gf is perfect in every sense and my little girl (i say mines cause i treat her as my own) Well, having a 3yo in your life is an experience but again, i would change her for the world!.


Love Humanity and the smiles and goodwill of troubled mankind living with such dignity and honour!.

Peace!. One can be blessed with wealth, wisdom, beauty, repute!.!.!. its value is little or nought without peace of mind !.!.!.

Peace and Love Upon You!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The realization that I live life for me and no one else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The continual joy of 'being'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Having a mom that is always there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is only GOD!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dream and duty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com